Separate names with a comma.
The car is a 125in FC. Rear gear is 4.29, the tire is 34.5x17x16 and low gear is 1.68. Wheel speed at .25 is 1552....
Mike, I Dont think that I have a issue with too much wheel speed. I would be more inclined to say that I don't have a enough wheel speed. I have...
This weekend, two out of three laps the car went into tire smoke around 20-30 feet out. After the last run someone I trust said that it shook...
Is it possible to have tire shake and not feel it. As the driver? I hate being the new guy :(
I need a block and 1 head moved from BAE to Denver. Maybe someone can move both?
What is the math formula for figuring coil bind? Thanks ITA!
Looking to buy a set (2-5) of radios and head sets. Thanks, 303-981-8564
Hello how much for the msd spark plug terminals and I'm looking for a set of gears 9.5" 4.11 thanks
I run a roots with a buzzard and screen and use prizim with no issues.
Still looking for a 4.11 set!!! Found a 3.89. Thanks ITA
Looking for a 9.5 inch 4.11 or 3.89 gear set. Thanks Tom 303-981-8564 Thanks ITA!
It's an RPM. It can be triggered manually but currently it is armed by the crew after the burnout and is triggered by drive shaft movement.
The fuel line is the thick style that is methanol approved and has the wire reinforcement. I will check the clamps to make sure that it is not...
Yes. The recording does not go back far enough to show the hit for the burnout but it does show the when it go onto the two step.
The motor hesitates the moment I hit the throttle for the burn out. After that no problems. It also shows on the data recorder that the fuel pump...
This is going to be used on a roots car. Making around 32lbs while on the two step. Currently I do not have a flow meter, so no GPM data. If...
Has anyone used the FIE single stage lean out while on the two step. I'm running a converter and the egt temps decrease greatly on the two step....
Looking for new/used main pill/jets and storage blocks. Thanks, And Thanks ITA! Tom 303-981-8564
#3 cylinder is leaking 18 percent, and #8 in leaking 14 percent. How much is too much. All of the rest are under 5 percent. Thanks
I'm looking for a few spares to keep in the trailer. I run stage V blue stand standard ratio 3/8-5/16. If you have any please give me a call....