Separate names with a comma.
You better put your driving suit on and helmet also. As the foam is first starting to expand and several times thereafter you need to move aroung...
Will, good post o this subject. I feel like a condemed man wating for the axe to fall!! Bob M., The new new rule revision does not say silver...
I hope thats the deal because if it was like first reported it would be a deal breaker for me. FYI We just ordered new seven point belts...
As important as the issue of the new rules cncerning nitro & NHRA is I cannot find one word concerning this on their web site. Guess we will get...
Thanks but no thanks When was the last time a fuel racer blew up anything!!!!! I can understand requiring proff that you are using nitro for...
Just looked at the entries and there is only 16 cars entered. That has to be an all time low car count for the Winter Nationals. Maybe Evan Knolls...
All you can get!!! Don't forget the front end as the drag on the rear wing will tend to make the front end light resulting in poor handling.
How many of you out there are able to race at your local track in Jan/Feb.???? A-fuel cars have been testing at Houston Raceway Park since the...
Joe, I would like one set. Maybe two will get back with you. Bob Holley
It is generaly accepted that a cool track has better tracdtion. Now if you are on a 140 degree track why do you want to do a big burnout and also...
Why not leave it as it is only drop the requirment that you have to run a minimun of three division races. If the division races did not count...
If you end up with not enough endplay I have put the thrust brg in a mill and machined the amount off to get the clerance right. There is plenty...
This owner grade point thing is really confusing to me. Where can you look up owner grade points. Also where in the rule book does it even mention...
Dave you know you are not missing the boat. This happens every year. NHRA can make exceptions to this rule. I guess it just depends on who you are...
Just for grins why don't you hook your fuel pump up to a drill motor and run it connected to a nozzle. It might supprise you what the spray...
If you are currently using titanium exh valves they will bend with to much heat. Titanium melts at 1200 degrees F. It has been my expierence that...
Nancy, Send me an email and we can discuss this directly.
Nancy Bruce Bowler that owns Phoenix Apperal was on the board and a player. Shelly called me a couple of weeks prior to her accident and we...
TARA was a good thing but was preoccupied for a long time with the parity issue. In every organazation there is a key person. TARA's was Shelly....
These things are expensive but necessary. Cut my fuel mixing time to about one third but the main thing is you can adjust the mixture to a tenth...