Separate names with a comma.
thanks I'll try it
air I've had the impact nitro for a few years.I recently sent it back and had the air port taken off the top and moved to the side. Now it comes...
OF COuRSE I'm impressed. That seems more than fair.It should scare that oil to stay in the diaper or else! At least it will hurt Force's bottom...
tethers so do you run from a rear axle upright left side,, thru the first chute loop, back thru the second chute and return to the same bolt...
Gibbs Mike, I'm afraid the end is near. If the HRA have their way, we won't even be able to decide for ourselves if the tow to the track is...
hobby when I started this thread, I was heading to the tax question; hobby or business. kind of tongue in cheek qualification...I am surprised...
found this on is real. I am calling out to any one with a Nitro or A/FC license an can bring some thing to the table an would like a...
NHRA Announces Increase to Racer Entry Insurance Fee Effective for the 2011 season, NHRA is increasing the racer entry insurance fee at NHRA...
ramjet email,,
handle I have not heard back from J Collins yet, but he did get details of mine and said they were going to look at clarifying it.. the material...
bottles . Barry, it appears that SFI is giving us a heads up that all fire bottles will need to be replaced after the second recert..that should...
17.1 On Board Fire Suppression Systems Click here for a list of certified products November 18, 2010 2 Years (6 Year Max Service Life) just in...
Thanks Thank you for the clarification...I am glad the brakes made a difference. Now I will say thank you NHRA for the ruling.It made a...
Brakes Barry, you could be right! I hope that is the case. If anyone can get the straight story on this , we should all hear it.I'm glad to hear...
brakes Hold on everyone...$7000 carbon fiber brakes and a AFC is in the net in POMONA.. (but we're really sure there will be no problem after...
rules sugest you hold on ..J Collins thinks there may be additions to the approved manufacturers
handle good question..mine is tubing too..
handle Bob what is the correct alloy? 6061 T6?
story Congratulations on a great season and good career story.. Kelly does a remarkable job introducing teams to the rest of the country. Good...