Separate names with a comma.
Congrats!! Nice work Annie!! And great job to Roger, Mike, Jeff, Lindsay, Eric and John for giving her the bracket car!
Live timing too If you like to know incrementals...
Great shots David!!!
You shouldn't be having any issues starting with the 8973 as it is basically just a timing/shift light controller and rev limiter that tells your...
All good oils mentioned here.. Also might consider Lucas.
Nice Job Jason Rupert and the entire Littlefield team!!!
I know a good majority of you Owners/Drivers and are hanging on the fence, waiting to see who else joins before you do or you're still not quite...
I, and I'm sure I'm not alone, usually use extra length welding gloves. Farm supply stores, welding supply places.. Usually if you're in a place...
It just depends on the strength of the links(tie rods) and the amount of leverage you're using to push the pedal down. The longer parts have a...
If you are looking to simulate the lever tip height when the pedal is pressed at whatever airgap you anticipate (I would start with .100", and...
Hedman should have them too.
I think it's going to take them some time to get everything setup online to reflect the regional system. Remember, we're "speshul" now and the...
That or PSI can't hold your blower hostage..
We don't use a spring, but when I see springs used now I see more on the pedal linkage itself, not inside the can. Lever wear really only...
Don't know if anybody else noticed... but I was just looking over the Pomona pics on DRC.. Pro Sportsman Winners was a picture choice!!...
Not that amazing.. Suspension actually helps regulate the weight transfer to the rear better than we can ever dream on a rigid TAFC. We have to...
The "critical RPM" is merely the point at which a blower starts losing it's peak efficiency. They still move air, it just costs more in the way of...
There is a point where the screw blower can spin too fast for it's own good in compression, usually when the rotor's speed relative to the air...
I think that's true of any motor, including Nitro fueled ones..