Separate names with a comma.
take it to the anodizer and have them strip it!
3000 psi to start with is 3000 psi, doesnt matter if it comes from tanker or scuba tank thats all you will get in the little bottle :D
Wont matter how light you get it if you can't stop it, it will be a one shot wonder without chutes!
I guess it depends on what coating you want on them I have seen everything from Dow 7 to powder paint on them!
I understand the funeral is Wednesday @ 10 am @ Harpers in New Haven, IN
mcmaster carr
No mention of the TFX ?? I really like how the TFX oils
Rotating weight is just that it takes less force to turn less mass go study a F1 car
Lets see we have an alum head attached to alum block with a copper gasket between them and again on the other side How much better do you think...
I will have to put my 2 cents in here and Say Conrad makes the best Ti valves period Call Victory and do it right the first time.
we have a co here in town that also does the water-graphics carbon fiber
I saw pictures/videos of the airport and other things when i was in Germany learning SIMADYN D logic
we use a small brake line to gauge, bend to fit, bulkhead fitting at mtr plate lite weight doesnt leak, no worrys at 180 psi
Eli I also was a huge fan of Wolfs head oil in the late 70's early 80's I used to swear by that stuff. Now it’s Brad Penn as it s economical...
You can't go wrong on the older Onan Rv gensets gas or diesel! money no object get a new one!
RTV silicone is all i have ever used around oil drains Gasgacinch on the head gasket if i have it.
Ok i weighed mine today like i said i would. no nozzle bodies or injector blower, snout with shaft and pulley 114 pounds Now we know!
to recap this.... I am not getting 50lbs for running a Veney right? ;) Merry Christmas everyone.
Tim I just was sure you might remember and comment on those :D john