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Looking for a 3.2A 20 suit for my son he is 5' 6" 175 lbs absolutely no junk tell me what you have email me
I have a 1.31 in front case i have to look but i believe it is complete with shift tower
Went to NHRA's web page to print out medical forms for physical and discovered that Pro Mod is a Professional category I am a little slow but when...
Ed is one of the good guys
depends on which KB block it was the stage 3's were not so good they cracked between cyl walls
go here:
-I would drill a million holes in the plate, space them correctly loose half the weight and maintain strength, ever seen any airplane wing struts...
1. Bryant 2. Velasco 3 Winberg... IMHO But they all will crack...
I seriously doubt VP makes their own methanol. Most of it is made from Natural Gas and you have to have a cheap source of it some of it is made...
Bryant only if you don't want to waste your money in the end.
3 letters MGP
Marty You know you are getting old when you become a grumpy old man, you know there is that slight chance it might rain so NHRA is just being...
Looking for 10" clutch discs and floater for big stand clutch prefer disc hardness of 62-63 what's out there laying around before i call Boninfante
Just talked to Tim at NHRA about this this Veney head is legal and will be after Jan 1
want the best go here: imho
Here is the best of the best digital control temp and time...
Transmission Seal (rear) National 472658 , CR 13920 I also had National front seal number is 8516N as the front but now i am not sure...
check your battery connections could have a bad battery are you using a capacitor for the power
Michael makes one of the best rods out there, don't freak out when you see the torque specs, as he uses, i believe the best rod bolts going.