Separate names with a comma.
.................................................. ................................... Taylors is very good.
Stockton:someplace special Dave, The way things are in Stockton now, you're lucky a Bank didnt foreclose on it.:D
one ringy dingy.... Keep trying, Bret is truely a one man band, worth the wait in my opinion.
We only race today. I do see your point. But the reality of it all is thats what happened at that race track today and yesterday. I can guarantee...
May I have another.. Please I would like to stir the parity pot, please. There is a LODRS race in Phoenix. looks fair to me. PS, Im a Huge...
Will, Can you change the site so users can only use a "real name" I am tired of people hiding behind fake user names. I think by doing this, the...
Move over Mike Dunn... He's doing an OUTSTANDING job. Long ways from Brad Stats.:)
I also think if your name is Frank, you have a great shot at winning Pomona.. Russ, Once again, you are correct. Unlike the Government, Don...
If I had a dollar for every.... I'd go with an uplifting scheme that had some red and black, with white stripping. No flames.
If I cant participate... Wouldnt be the first time, maybe they can postpone till I get my Obama sponsorship funds...
Holding out for Obama.. No point races=no entry No $$$ = no fun Gotta work harder.
I pick whomever Grimes works with... You college kids are too damn smart. Between you and Greg Miner, this sport has some hope..... Take...
14 hours is a little over 1/2 a day.. Humbolt State?
Cant stand the suspense more details Will..
Chill out!!! Its your Birfday. :) Happy Birthday. Your one of the few reasons to go to the races.:)
Few have tried... Ask David Baca about running an Olds on Nitro.
Track very shrippery AHHHHHHH-SOOOOOOOOO Frankyou Rill Hamma!!!
Its green everywhere you turn... John. This is a wonderful system. You are really going to enjoy it.:rolleyes: just dont miss any point races
If you want it bad enough.... Many people show up here with a race car, shiny truck and trailer, new crew shirts, and they still dont get it....
Put a ring on her finger.. I can see this thread is headed for a CURVY turn:eek: