Separate names with a comma.
A stepping stone. Div.6 does have some great events, It is a shame that other divisions cannot get that kind of support. After I tried the...
The human Highlight reel. :DChris is exciting, is'nt he.:D
I bet Russ has thoughts on this.. Got Milk.. The LODRS is not a viable source for your prospective sponsors. The hard reality of this has been...
Fish Killer Peta sez, You cant walk both sides of the street. You send pics of a happy Russ out on a fish killing expedition( Nice surgeon...
The truth will set u free. It was Arizona, at the Grand Canyon, and I was "sporting" a Mullet not wearing one. And I still dont like social...
My folks wont let me use these things. No Facebook, or any other social networking groups for me.
No more fat jokes, my shrink says it lowers my self esteem Looks like its salad for dinner.
Going forward, without the hurt. Hurtful. If I had any feelings....
barrak, send my check pleeeeeeeeeeeze Sounds like three guys that dont race as much as they would like to.:D
Cant win if you dont play......... Good Job Russ!!! you win. It was Mr. Pat Austin that beat us to smitherines at Sonoma, many years ago....
Too young to quit.. Who's Pat Austin?:D Trivia question? Who was the first guy to whip Don Hudson's ass in NHRA National event competition?
nascar is too much like pro stock for me.. Russ, you are testing our friendship with the Nascar stuff, its bad enough that you mentioned my...
racecar spelled backwards is RACECAR... Russ, Sorry to hear of your health issues. When I require a surgeon I just go to no...
I earned my moniker...From Will. Im working with ya on this one Russ. Im thinking...excitiing, in a good clean wholesome way. 60days and...
I'll try finishing. Let out the clutch and mash on the gas? (at the same time of course..)
More spin. a name is just a sound...mine sounds like. Don Hudson Thank you for taking time to come on here and put YOUR .02 into this very...
Stroke.. Im just a guy that chooses to use my real name so when I make a mistake that I can be held accountable. Im sure you are some PR...
Make this manditory, Will!! If you feel compelled to add to this very serious thread, I would suggest that you use your real name. Any one can...
Thanks for putting out the word. Hell hath no fury like a scorned woman....or racer:) 2 pair of boots going back, 1 pair burned so bad they...
If it tastes like pi*s....well then Budweiser= "official beer of NHRA" ( I never cared for their product anyways) I prefer "colorado Koolaid"...