Separate names with a comma.
you are 100% correct mark on all accounts. i saw most of it from the top end, as we were towing back to the pits. i knew Bobby a little, i've...
how about a mandatory red blinking strobe light that goes on top of the mandatory driver shield that lets you know when the air is on?
wow, this isn't what really happend.... marty was screwed, and everyone there that saw it knows. when did marty start lifting when his front...
ask otto again after he's been out whats going on... 357 views and no talk about cams??? this is a hot topic right now in a/fuel, i pretty much...
free bump for will, he knows this is just a web site, and we all talk smack ... i'll buy all the beer he can drink,(for a night) just to see...
i'll just reply to my own post and say, i got this... what do you all think???? SPECIAL GRINDN R-276/5401-2S-13X BB 48D ENGINE CHRYSLER...
who's running what???? is this a tight kept secret? i'll tell you what i got if you tell me what you got. 842, 803, 802.....
goodson makes a coolant. cut the floaters, hat, and flywheel wet, and the disks dry. the pro's to cutting it wet: it acts as a coolant, lubercant,...
i heard dyno dave had a good time trying to get a car started last weekend.
no ones mf'ing you will... top alcohol doesn't have the same problems that top fuel has, and if racing to 1000ft is such a great idea for all the...
Will, whens the last time you drove a car, and when is last time i've seen you at the track....don't go all Oprah on us.. i don't drive just like...
no, i'm not kidding... you took it out of context buddy... allan would have to give up his blower, and 70 some odd cubes.... i bet boggs,...
man, you are out of the loop huh? anyway, you don't need to slow these cars down. the best way is to take the blowers off the Top Fuel cars....
let the TADs race in Denver, maybe a blown car could pick up a win there.
i have references. i've worked for the best. there isn't anything i can't do on a A/Fuel car. i've built them, serviced them, tuned them. good...
please...... support our guys that run A/Fuel cause they are the future of our sport. you could give 300% or whatever you want to blown guys,...
just take some timing out and throw more wing at it. oh, and if you can, take the left lane.... [img]
now why do you think they would give my "why-mer-wine-errrr" a cat scan? wouldn't that be a dog scan?
video of a valvespring in action, don't worry about the honda in the begining, keep watching....
no one ever responds in this part of the fourm, so i would just like to congratulate the Snyders on their great upcomming year.