Separate names with a comma.
Sorry If I am sounding rude , I am aware about travel costs and initial costs of buying all the parts and the costs of travel . I am just trying...
I am not talking about total costs because that can differ based on where you race and how far you have to travel and what kind of rig you have ,...
I was just reading an old thread where guys were saying it costs $2000 a run without breakages . I would like to know what exactly makes up that...
I mentioned sprint cars only because the fact that they have no transmission even though they do it in a slighty different manner
I am talking about anything from just a clutch and reverser setup all the way to similer to what the nitro cars have . centrifical clutch type...
I can kind of understand it not working on a mud racer , wouldn't you need the gear reduction to produce the torque to really get you through the...
I still think it could work , though your diff ratios would have to be setup right for it . I mean it works in boats and sprint cars .
Hello , I am intending to over the next year start buying up parts as I can afford them so that I can finally get on the path to going drag racing...
Yeah I was meaning a blown motor , well any kind of motor really . I wasn't meaning turbo's though I am not really a fan of them and don't know...
I was just thinking to myself and having one of my crazy idea moments , I was just thinking how would an alchy motor run with a high gear only...
I remember reading ages ago an article where in the big show blown nitro classes they were saying that the more nitro percentage actually is...
Yeah drag racing is slowly going places here in new zealand , we have couple of alcohol cars that are in the 5's an ex USA Alchy funny car that...
Hello , I just felt like letting you guys in AMERICA know what drag racing is like down here in little old New Zealand , Our top class down here...
I thought that long stroke thing sounded funny , I was in a conversation on another forum about bore and stroke ratio's in the current nitro...
Why would you run so much displacement and have such a long stroke , wouldn't you want bigger bore then stroke?
Cool , I would love to say im interested but my wallet does not match my dreams and ambitions lol . Goodluck though.
This 14-71 you are going to building , will it be a standard helix or a high helix?
I was searching on the AJPE site last night and noticed in the supercharger section that he has listed Whipple SFI certification . So maybe he has...
lol who was it that said that racing still costs the same now as in the old days everything you got . I find it funny how when looking at photos...