Separate names with a comma.
thanks for the usefull information , I am sure it will help .
Yeah I have thought about saving and buying something complete , but this may sound silly to some but I really would love to build my own...
Yeah but I live in new zealand , People here aren't buying the latest and greatest part every week and arent running mid 5's every run . A 5...
I don't have thousands to throw around guys . I can only afford to buy bits and pieces as I can afford them I just want to buy something cheap but...
Thanks for answering my question more answers would be handy .
Though an indication of what some of the iron blocks can handle would be handy .
I am not worried about horsepower or rotating the earth not yet anyway , I just want to go racing .
I am currently unemployed and am trying to find a affordable way to go drag racing because I am dieing to go racing . I can't afford to buy a car...
I was talking to a guy once who does exhaust gas tests and he said that it doesnt matter if the car is old or new if it is properly maintained and...
The others seem to have answered it , but was on the littlefield site the other day and it has the answer to this question in their FAQ section...
Damn Denny I have heard you mention that divorce before but never new you lost a wally in it . Must of been quite a divorce . But anyway thats...
Probably a long shot , but if its a force only thing . then maybe try going upto the force team at the next race and saying you are interested in...
Surely you would get them back , I mean its not like they can just keep your stuff just because they have closed up shop
What do the nitro guys use , they sure look like stainless some of them . Quite a few production cars are coming out with stainless exhaust...
Chimpanzee's have been known to act agreesive in the wild . There are a few recorded incidents of chimpanzee's taking babies and killing and...
Lol what do mean pool? if you mean people selling or sharing stuff , well most of the people down here keep their engine parts close to themselves...
How did these heads come about? I have heard of them but don't know the history behind them .
I noticed BAE have a price list and AJPE doesnt so I shot them an email asking if they had some form of a price list and I kept getting a failed...
As somebody who wants to get into drag racing and even though I will never need a blower that big , I must admit the prices of new blowers is scary .
Wouldn't you just run an on board starter but have an external battery source . I have seen it on a couple of comp style dragsters here in new...