Separate names with a comma.
Nhra You should know by now that NHRA does not give a rats ass about tafc or tad
Ta/fc VanGundy&Clark, now using the same name in NFC
Bb/fc Ray Roman, Roman's Charriot, Steve Chrisman
Caliope that was Bill Bensen & Mike Savage, Tucson AZ
shift lines Barry Little at SAE in Santa Ana ca makes a shifter manifold that will cure that problem. Mounts between the worm gear shaft and the...
bolt torque We use the blower drive ratio to multiply the torque wrench, figure your ratio, the torque wrench will be in left hand or loosen...
breather hose check NHRA web , under competition, accepted products
Lenco get ahold of George Sitko, he make an addaptor plate to mate a reverser to a front cs1 3 speed 562 243 0482
cables Control Cable, 562 949 0455
control cables call Vic at Control Cable, will make it any way you need, 562 949 0455
RPM Data Logger We have one in an NFC, we mounted it behind the driver as far from the mag as poss, built an aluminum box for every thing...
We ran Brooks for years. Most of the staff at Brooks is at Venolia. They have a new rod that looks/weighs about the same as a B2, Venolia calls...
springs Years ago I worked at Drake Engineering building Offy's. We would trim the tails off every spring . It was just what we learned to do...
cell# 405 923 3978
O ring we just get bulk material from McMaster Carr, super glue
teathers Dave Justin showed me that method on Dennis' car, might depend on the chute mount design. Mounted side by side or one above/below
tethers John The teathers attch in an X patteren, attached to the top rear end mounting bolt on each side, droping down the back of the...
washer removal I have removed them by taping with a 5/8 coarse tap, just s few turns in then punching them out from the other side, just hit...
chassis tuning ballpark you would shoot for 40-50 lbs heavy on the rr corner, you would do that by moving the shims on the front spindles....
sealer never use sealer, never had a problem on psi screw or nfc