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Beckman I was sitting in the stands at 1000 ft mark, a piece of the boby with the tubing attached landed in the stands about 10 row up. luckily...
hard starting Is this with a blower drive starter or flywheel starter?
drive gear is the woodruff key worn or correct size?
stagger yes, increases rollout
lenco shafts call lenco, the shaft for 25% is smaller in the planet carrier
liners liners with tubes hold the tire to the wheel [ non bead lock wheels] the tube is inflated to 50 psi or more, the tire is set to race press...
leaks I use blue loctite, no leaks on AJP5
crank center line How high is the crank in your current ride? Depending on the depth of the oil pan you need 2-3" ground clearance . That will...
bolt torque don't retorque bolts that have been locktited, will break the seal and could come loose
welding blocks Terry Hadock
inserts Timesert, they are in Reno Nv
cables get them custom made from Control Cable, thats where Good Vibrations gets them 562 949 0455
gloves Taylor Motorsports used to sell a glove made for that purpose. Give Dennis a call
breather the bigger the better, I use 1" tube vented out the front to the body latch
valve clearance call BAE 909 923 1028
cam end play we always shoot for zero end play on our hemi, doubt a small block would be any diff.
dry sump The Dailey Enginnering pump we use is smaller than a System1 or P&P, have spur gear press section, 2 lobe roots on the scavange, been...
mag drive RCD's angle drive clears BAE heads with no problem
M/T tires As far as I know M/T's were designed to be used on bead locks
trim replaced all that trim with 16 gauge aluminum tread plate, even put it at the front of the trailer where the ribbed rubber was, sure looks...