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Don't know about cs2, but cs1 case bolts are 5/16 18 threads
oil tank most tanks sit on the top of the lower frame rails, because most of the pumps have it inlets on the back side of the pump. That's why...
Oil tank Depends on the type of tank you are using, we use a thank beside the fuel tank, about 3" wide and the same outside shape as the fuel...
They broke a coupler at 1000'
over heating The barrel valve only affects the idle, 42% seems lean to me. The main jet may be the problem if it's too lean at WOT
rpm all the magnets need to be south facing, won't work with them backwards.
barrel pump That's it, been flawless for 2 years, both nitro and meth
friday a new format for next year? one shot on Friday, 2 on Sat., first round Sunday morning at 9:00am, Graham Light's idea for next season
hub gauling I built several hubs, 10 years ago , 6, 3/16 keys, had the I/d hard chromed, torque the bolt to 300 lb/ft , have never had it stick,...
end seals we made a u shaped channel that we screwed to the bottom of the manifold , counter sunk 8/32 screws, its 1" wide on the out side with...
space just enough to clear the drive dogs after the engine starts and kick the starter back
body pads I have done it both ways, some customers don't like the look of the aluminum pads bolted thru the body. I sand and clean the pads,...
barrel pump I have been using a harbor freight pump for nitro, nothing to fail, it pressures the barrel and forces the fuel out, has 2 ball...
pulley flex Psi used to make what they called a pulley clamp, an aluminum piece that bolt to the pulley and the crank with a long 3/4" bolt....
Phoenix fire bottles Phoenix was bought out by Stroud in OK
wet sump Mark it's a wet sump, no tank
rear ends Been using a 9-9.5 Chrisman for years both TAFC and NFC, have 40 + runs on a 4.29 gear in the NFC with no problems and thats with a 9"...
filling air bottle I hook it up bottle to bottle with a hi press hose, just transfer fill from one to the other.
Call BAE, see what they use on the pro mod
P&P pump Call RCD, they make the P&P pump, they also make a wet sump version,