Separate names with a comma.
Safety Thanks for the great replies Richard and Relentless. If there was one thing about safety that I would change it is the information gap....
Safety If I was building a car for one of my kids to drive you can be assured I would do whatever was safest. And you (relentless) are welcome to...
Safety I read this thread and just wanted to play wet blanket for a moment. Everytime there is a serious (fatality) crash the routine has been...
Burnout tire shake It sounds as though the car is starting to hook up and you can see it in the tire tracks? Lots of cars will do that towards...
Psi-d I live about a hour north of you right along I-5. I have a PSI-D that I have ran in TAFC. It is currently at PSI being recerted. I have...
Air operated sprag I believe the drag boat racers use a two speed lenco with a air operated sprag. It is fairly bulky looking so that is why it...
Spragless Lenco I have a spragless CS1. It has a ratcheting mechanism that looks like a spring loaded version of starter dogs for the blower...
Dart I see by your posts that you are fairly new here. I really prefer that people use real names so we all know who is who here. I am assuming...
Rog I thought about your post- yes the tracks won't be paying out as much to the Alcohol racers so their costs go down. You would think they...
55 amp Mag Hey Chris, Does Spud really have a 55 amp mag? And now the most important question- does it still say Pro-Mag 44 on the side? I have a...
Spud A good guy to ask would be Spud Miller at FIE. He is the guy who just bought the Mallory line and would probably know more about them then...
Broken springs A few years ago I had a similar problem with breaking valve springs. Mine would break just warming the car at 2000 rpm idling to...
Penalties 5000$ fine for an illegally modified blower? Chump change for some guys. But here is another thought- after modifiying that blower they...
Charger Body I would be interested in a Charger body also. I really liked the Mopar bodies. Dave Germain
CA Dot regs. Randy, I may jack you around but I do appreciate you posting the regs. I printed them off and they are in my truck. Thank you- Dave...
Race Track Profits Years ago it was the fans that were the profit source for the track owners. Now there is super this and super that, bracket...
Rob Harrison I have been watching Rob Harrison and his comp car for years. They aren't just a "comp" car. You guys have been setting standards...
Wow! Jeez Randy, wrong time of the month for you? A bit snippy. Dave Germain
regional races Joe, I don't know anything much about the deal with your suspension but I do know that the words 'common sense' and the NHRA...
Thanks Nancy Thanks Nancy, I really appreciate the offer. Who knows how this new deal is going to go?Dave Germain