Separate names with a comma.
Ted Kulongoski, you're out of your element! I had not heard this one yet - though it does not surprise me as our state has gotten pretty whacky....
If he said it, it must be true, why else would Oprah cry? A few extra states, a few trillion dollars, he said he was going to bring change!...
The irony was not lost Parents? I thought you were found in the Utah desert by some gypsies. Sorry, had to go back and find this one:...
If there's one thing we learn from history, it's that we don't learn from history Sorry Randy, my mistake. Once again I was living in the past.
The ink is dry on my certificate Shrink? How much do you spend on him/her? I'm sure I can save you some money there. Go ahead and PM me your...
I thought bovines had thick skins Don, Cows are worshipped in many countries. Even here in the USA - at McDonalds, Burger King and many fine...
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Hope Don's not offended.:rolleyes:
Why the smiley face? I watched a few bits from the Discovery Channel last night, cocaine nation and heroin nation. Very sad to see people...
denny crane Hudson, Parker & Goodwin. Sounds like a law firm. Which one of us had the "mad cow"?
Keep the firesuit on Way too visual Don.
I'm not standing behind you anymore.
When will we have indoor tracks? ok last time we went to the track, we got everything all set, fired the car up and It...
No crap from my parachutes! EJ you are correct! There was no question that Pat had the better car (and driver) but he did not make it down the...
Don did it in a long, skinny car. And as opposed to Pat, who drove it to the pits with the engine running, coasted down the hill at Sonoma to his...
This is really big I'm clearly out of my element. I'm having a hard time following the dude's story. All this time I thought it was about the...
Don Hudson secretly wishes he was a Nascar guy EJ, Right you are! That still remains one of my favorite moments in motorsports. Anyone...
racecar backwards? I did not know this Don, I've found that most veternarians can do the same procedures for a far more reasonable price....
Here fishy fishy Wholesome, how 'bout fishing? At this point I was going to add a picture of a nice sturgeon I'd recently caught but just...
Don Hudson's supafly moniker makes an interesting visual Several ways to go with this.................. If it's T/F, say like Doug Herbert, I...
That does tie the race car together, does it not? Isn't that what you already have?