Separate names with a comma.
Just like the old Miller Lite commercials Randy, You are certainly no Adam. Maybe a cross between Jamie and Mike Rowe. You can start a show...
Code violation Don, Sad as the museum situation may be, the rules clearly stipulate that you cannot use the same icon twice in a post. I'll...
UCLA reports that your office romance will likely never happen if you don't wake up early enough to brush your hair?:confused:
Your parents bought you beer? Wow, that took awhile to find my way back.........I don't know what Jim uses for fertilizer but it sure...
Today I informed a local radio friend of mine concerning this situation. He said he will address it on air. We do need to spread the word on...
Thanks Jim! Hey Don, come on in. I thought it might be a trap but it seems to be ok. Doesn't look much different than the other threads. Did...
I just keep picturing Will, holding his head, saying "Why do I do this, why do I do this?" Hey, sorry about your computer Don. Probably not the...
Hey Don, time to switch to the white font can you read this? I was actually doing this as a joke, but when I previewed the post I realized that...
what was this thread about? Always gotta have the last word? Is this true? Don and I are making a point. If you can make people...
Dad, what's that monkey doing? Good thing you two are out of range of my cage!
where's my earplugs And you say I'm abusive???? Thanks Don, now I got that crap going through my mind. I'd bet that Randy G. doesn't even listen...
Will keeps hoping our keyboards will break oijaoga[r[ No adfj;af I djf09w22 subscribe a[u00ja to h['] the [as0]as theory ahat]]a that...
scalpel please I prefer to use precision cuts, just like what happens when I do the bottom end on a race car. Yeah, you're right about the...
Are you an engineer? I can't remember if I read this here or on another board. But it goes like this, "Arguing with an engineer is like mud...
More wag, less bark Becoming abusive?? You'd be proud of me if you knew how much I held back:) However, in the spirit of kindness and...
You're not listening to the Dude's story To my simple understanding you did not answer either question.
Sounds like you and Don Hudson ought to get together.:rolleyes:
I gotta know, was the "cleaver" an accident or a subltle play on the "other white meat"? New question for Don Hudson - would you be more likely...
I bet Russ has thoughts on this.. Got Milk.. The time that our family represented the Dairy Farmers of Oregon, with both Randy and I driving, was...
PETA - people eating tasty animals You got me Don. I will admit to eating some fish, so I guess I am not a strict vegetarian. But I am...