Separate names with a comma.
Thats true with DRAG CARS thers no heat so you can run it as high as rules let you, In a flat bottom Bottom boat it cant handel the extra power,...
Have any of you noticed the film inside the manifold that that stuff leaves? I would say that it restricts the flow of fuel, It's some kind of...
I dont thinkk so the case looks like a a standerd 8/71 When i say big I mean the lobes are big in size, not diameter as ther are only 2 lobes...
First, it's the simplicity of the blower that makes it work,the magic is in the size ( there big )and twist of the rooters, An 8/71 Hampton, will...
Mike, What about the distabution blocks,thay are all at 90 Degree angels and in a small space, do you think that the fuel is creating bubbel...
I'm 68 years old, I can manage picking up (strugling) a 14/71, the blower I got from Dan, didn't have all the parts in it as you can see in my...
How about we all switch to a roots blower, ask for a 150.00 lb weight break, at least we will still be raceing, and think about all the...
Heres the fuel system done.
All the saints were taken early ;) Look down on us and have mercy.
Like the mohel said, It wont be long now.I wonder what it looks like, and evadently it has to be certed. Witch is bull $#!t, to us do it your self...
Will i just made 16 (Enderli fittings) port lines, I checked them for size, and they were all differint' between 0.116 to 0.118 That said i...
Think that your system is creating air to mix with the fuel? mybe you are on to something, may be your turning you alky into nitro. LOL:D:D
Thats the reason my system don't have them, This is something someone once said' forgot his name, :confused: ( DON'T CONFUSE THE FUEL!) (...
Ok here's the fuel system so far, i just talked to Dan, That responded to my ad for a junk blower and i'll be abel, to make the right lenth fuel...
Randy, just asking for your input, i just read an artical on pro mod power glide trans. an i say some place that you had tuned a pro mod with a...
Thats where i start, on the grass, 75 yards, Its a nice walk, around my yard every morning,:cool: And all I have to do is cut the grass, every 3...
Hijack thread Mike Cantor, Mike did you forget about me? poppets.
Check out my one hole golf course that i'm making in my yard, so i can teach my grand kids how to play, going to teach them from the putting...
How would that affect our new team, My brother as an owner has raced with Frank Shuster. for at least 5 years, dose that qualify us if I'm...
ou'ya moma!