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yes gmpp blocks water....stock 4 bolt main caps...8000 rpm at the most
adapter you have to buy the adapter for bigger bores....50 bucks i think
how much horsepower can a stock 502 or 454 block and forged crank take in a blown alcohol app....back in the 60s and 70s thats all they used...
thank you thank you going to stick to the o ring and find a new shop to do my blocks or buy the tool from isky and do it myself
thank you guys
we are putting together a new motor and all of our blown alcohol blocks have been oringinged in the past. i have guy at a machine shop who is...
espn i get pissed when espn puts the snowmobile drag races on....the last time i checked....they were for the
floater thickness I bought 3 floaters from Boninfante and got them custom made two i had made at .450 and one at .750 they made them in about 3...
I have a 461 bbc with a 14-71 blower twisting it 30% over with dart 360 heads , the boost is unknown, heres are question what seat pressure and...
my wing is 15 inches deep and 48 inches wide and at 4 degrees it makes 200 pounds of down force at 150 or 200 mph...i forget now...but if its a...
my block is o ringed ,not the head and i use copper coat on both sides of the copper head gasket....its like glue!....never had a problem
1.02 60 foot 4.30 in 1/8 and about 6.90 to 7.00 with the old motor....we are having a problem with the car driving through the converter...its...
running for nothing we have been battling this for years.I run with a small group of guys in the pa nj area and we get $250.00 for 2 passes witch...