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Prayers and Best Wishes...
I like this idea. EDB
Are we talking wet or dry? Dry, on the Top Fuel car we put a tad bit of silicone around the pushrod/intake area and a thin skin of blue grease...
Dennis... We need details~! EDB
We pull the filter every time the Top Fuel car is started. System One is the best! You definitely DO NOT want to loop the filter line. EDB
Why not?? EDB
Kestrel 4250
Greg, do your wings have wickerbills? EDB
IM me... (Not I R me...LOL) Yahoo... EDB
It'll work in a pinch. See my comments at Dad's.
I disagree. Downforce doesn't reduce your speed. Drag does. Efficient triple element or even dual element wings are a good thing! EDB...
Resistance is futile... I like the NGKs if I am being conservative... Auto Lites if I am being a tad frisky~! Outlaw Eric
Richard, I'd go with Dennis Taylor if I were buying a suit today. A VERY close second would be DJ. Outlaw Eric
Greg, DO NOT take them off! Dad has some software from NASA (If I recall correctly) that will amaze you with how much downforce these canards...
Agreed. Also, you can use one of those big pit fans to keep air moving across the engine. Fan Change Oil Pull Valve Covers You can get...
We pull the blower/intake... pull the heads, drop the pan, pull all 8 piston/rods out of the block. Check all and reinstall. New...
Agreed. EDB
Spud or Koehler EDB
I didn't realize Britt had his flow bench ready... :o By all means have him flow your parts! EDB
Brian, if one doesn't have time to check each rod bolt with a stretch gauge, what torque wrench would you recommend?? Do you recommend...