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Price change 40K for complete engine. Need to get these engines gone!
CS2 is sold and the sale on the Quick Drive, bell and converter is pending.
I have a CS2 three speed 1.38 and 1.44. It can be used as two speed or three speed. Air shift pods and recent rebuild on all with zero passes....
I have two .100 tall 521 ci BAE Hemis for sale on here. One spare rotating assembly also. One complete engine hat to pan and another manifold to...
From what I can tell the 8X platform uses +.100 lifter spread. If needed I can pull the manafolds and check.
12.2 cr, 904 lifters. Lifter spread or lifter centerline is standard BAE.
$6500 for Quick Drive and Bell. The QD Bell and converter are new never used items.