Manual Hi Speed Leanout

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Eric Strandberg, Jun 24, 2021.

  1. Eric Strandberg

    Eric Strandberg New Member

    Feb 25, 2006
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    Need something that can be opened by Co2 pressure by a button on the butterfly wheel.Car is an N/FC on nitro with a 6-71 and a 21 gal pump. Dont want a cable and lever or an electric solenoid.Who would have such a part ? Thanks.
  2. rb0804

    rb0804 Active Member

    Aug 7, 2010
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  3. Graham Brown

    Graham Brown Member

    Mar 4, 2019
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    What about a Lenco button type shift valve operating a small air cylinder connected to an Enderle style 2 way shut-off with a check and pill tee'd into your system.
  4. Frontenginedragsters

    Oct 31, 2008
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    Remember the old AFT gold tower?
    Used an Enderle screw in jet a nd Co2 powered. Simple.
  5. jeffj

    jeffj Member

    Mar 8, 2008
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    What RB0804 showed you for sale; commonly called pinch valves and they are available in normally open and normally closed. Operated by air or most commonly CO2. Often activated off a WOT switch or T'ed off the 1/2 and/or the 2/3 shifts. There are adjustable timers to delay the event from the trigger time and there are clocks to measure that delay to the 100th of a second in the pit area to setup what you want for event times. All powered buy CO2 or air pressure, no electronics for it on the car. Also as shown, manifold combinations for multiple events. I have some of that stuff around here somewhere in a bin box. Before that we used Clippard valves which are the shifting part of the Lenco buttons with a little add on piece to flow fuel.
    Jeff Johnsen
  6. Mike Kern

    Mike Kern Member

    Aug 17, 2010
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    Why would you want a leanout on a 21 gallon pump nitro car? You already do not have enough fuel. If you're running something like an old iron block, maybe a leanout would help. If you're dead set on one, why not a poppet and jet that runs off of pressure; way more consistent than trying to guess with a manual leanout.
    Bob Meyer likes this.
  7. Eric Strandberg

    Eric Strandberg New Member

    Feb 25, 2006
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    Because my supercharger can't keep up with the fuel pump is why.I don't want a pressure activated poppet,neither does the driver,manual operated only (with a jet). We have enough fuel pump as it is.We run a billet AJPE Hemi,a Heritage Series legal car. (we won the Bowling Green Hot Rod Reunion two weeks ago) We have great luck with a 413 cubic inch, non wiz-bang bone stock 6-71 supercharger at 19% overdrive on 94-98% nitro ( it sounds great too ! ) It just seems to run out of steam about 1200 ft. Johnny West and Wizard has us hooked up with what we need.Thanks for all the input everyone.
  8. rhansenml

    rhansenml New Member

    Oct 21, 2019
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    search ebay for nupro bellow valves
  9. Mike Kern

    Mike Kern Member

    Aug 17, 2010
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    Eric, you have really nice pieces on that car. I'm having a hard time believing your blower can't keep up. In all honesty, I don't think a leanout is the way to go. All it will do is clean up a lazy top end. It won't really ever improve ET or performance. Any typical nostalgia legal car does not have a 'FAT' on the big end problem unless something is way off, especially at 19% over which is not even legal. In your case, if it is the blower, you'd be better off investing in a better unit. They don't need to be killer to run good in NFC, just decent.
    Marc White likes this.
  10. Eric Strandberg

    Eric Strandberg New Member

    Feb 25, 2006
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    I degress we run the legal maximun overdrive at 18.9. I just use the 19 over as a term.I don't think we are too far off .We just don't want to put a wiz bang (Frank Oglesby's term) supercharger on the thing just yet.He helped us with the initial combination (before he passed),and he was of the opinion of low compression-high percentage (96-100%),and a street type supercharger.which we have so I guess it is not the typical Nostalgia Funny Car . If I'm not mistaken those other guys run their cars up into 9400 rpm range,an $8000 supercharger ,run a lower percentage of nitro and have a higher compression ratio, and have their engines apart between laps.We see maybe 8100 rpm,and don't have to pull the heads off at the track.Run it like an injected nitro car for lack of a better term.This is my reasoning for a hi speed on the car.
    5.99 last time out,will flog this combination until it runs an 5.80 something.
    BTW are you the guy who came over and helped us richen up our barrel valve at Bowling Green? If so thanks,it helped !
    Frontenginedragsters likes this.

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