Simple 8973 question...

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Scouder, Jul 27, 2010.

  1. Scouder

    Scouder New Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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    I have been running my 8973 with a transbrake and delay box and it has been working great. I have been using the step 1, launch curve, and run curve. Now I am going to experiment with foot braking it instead of the transbrake. Since I won't be on the button anymore I need a way to trigger the blue wire to set my stuff to 1st gear and load the launch curve. Is there any reason I can't just plumb a hydraulic brake light switch into my brake line, so when I go into the lights and hit the brakes it charges the blue wire? Then when I switch feet it would kill the circuit, starting the timed curve if I decide to use it?

    In my mind it seems to accomplish the same thing as the transbrake button.


  2. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    Simple 8973 answer

    Get rid of that thing before you get rid of an engine.

    If you must, call one of the doorslammer shops like Bickle, RJ etc. and get a clutch switch and mount it to the brake pedal.

    If you just want to try it out, just use the t-brake switch on the wheel, and disconnect the t-brake. If you like the footbrake, then you can mount something different. If not, saves you the trouble.

    No need to use both of those curves. Just use the time curve. Whatever timing you have in it at 0.0 seconds will be the timing on the button. If you have a launch retard and timing out at 0.0 on the graph, they will combine. If you are starting your curve at 0 degrees retard at 0.0 seconds then your timing will spike when you release the transbrake.

    If you don't already have one I would recommend a diode in the transbrake circuit to prevent high voltage from backfeeding into the 8973, delaying the release of the two step and start of the time curve.

    Your best bet is to get rid of the damn thing and go with a 2 step and a six shooter. The thing is not user friendly and it has a verified track record of shit canning motors. Obviously there are some who use it who don't have problems. Judging from the feedback of many racers who have tried this box, it doesn't take much for this box to throw a fit and take it out on your motor.

    It would be neat if it worked, but I've worked with two cars that did things to timing on it's own.
  3. Don Onimus

    Don Onimus New Member

    Feb 28, 2009
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    Just put a switch under the throttle pedal You can adjust it to whatever you want. Call Leahey if you need one. Saves time rather than looking thing up. You can wire it open or closed. Oh, by the way, be a driver + get rid of that crutch as in delay box. Never used one + never will!!!!! Don
  4. underby6

    underby6 Active Member

    Sep 28, 2006
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    The title of this thread made me laugh.....we had three or four but we already gave them all away:cool: Your best in the one that's not going to RUIN your investments is to use the Leahy box and a six shooter, we have two six shooters stacked on our car.

    Brandon Booher
    NHRA TAD #35
  5. pete9857

    pete9857 Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    common sense tells you that all those boxes couldn't be bad. We've run 1 for over 4 years.

  6. Blown540

    Blown540 Blown Alcohol Dragster

    Aug 21, 2007
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    We have run the MSD 8973 with great success for 3 years now, and never had any trouble and run a blown alcohol hemi-THANKS! Jim
  7. aj481x

    aj481x Member

    Jan 27, 2004
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    8973 is the best !
  8. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    The people I've talked to that killed several motors attributed to that box have a mantle full of division championship trophies between them. Another has run the quickest ru in the history of his type of car. I've seen it do some pretty dumb shit with my own eyes. I guess were all a bunch of damn idiots.

    Let me guess were all too damn dumb to program it.

    Good thing there's some smart people out there to make it work.
  9. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Will, you keep on about those detroyed engines for more than five years that I can remember. You have never told us the whole story. You talk about a problem you had wheb you first started to use it and from what I remember you just didn't understand how the timing retards worked or added together. So based on the fact that you never really learned the 8973 or asked anybody to help you I would say all your problems were most likely self induced. I would never use the term "dumb" to describe somebody trying to learn something. I help a lot of people in learning the 8973 and they are still using it successfully without ever having problems. The only major hiccup I have ever seen with the 8973 is the interference when being used in conjunction with a crank trigger with an unshielded cable and if I remember correctly that was your problem but that was so many years ago it is fuzzy.
  10. secondwindracing

    secondwindracing top alcohol

    Feb 10, 2004
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    make it simple..unhook all the bells lock the timing at what ever you wanna run foot brake it and get the car from point A to point B then start using a 6 shooter or the stuff you have...I know the car and motor you have I have watched this car run and run very Malcom and see what he used..Dave
  11. Scouder

    Scouder New Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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    I talked to Malcom for quite a while last winter. He seemed like a strait shooter, and told me everything I asked about. I'm pretty sure the car came to me with his setup still in it for the most part. I'm gonna launch it off the foot brake at my next outing. Timing will be a very simple curve. I think it's gonna go this time.

  12. vwsamba

    vwsamba Member

    Jun 3, 2006
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    I second secondwinds! comment. As i was scrolling down reading all the posts i kept saying to myself just disconnect it all. Use the bare minimum to start and work up from there, just like the advise on leaving from idle on the brake. Keep it simple. No offense scouder but i get the impression you are not trying to run mid 5's so you just don't need it. A points fired mag 3 and coil fix timed at 28 degs got me mid 6's with ease. Best of luck and let us all know how it goes on the next pass..:cool:
  13. Scouder

    Scouder New Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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    I've got to go back out to the shop to verify my timing on the last run, but I believe I had 23 degrees in it at the hit. With the transbrake leaving at 3000 on our little airport track it wadded up the tire and then just drove through it into spin. A little less timing and leaving on the footbrake should get it through first gear. Second gear hooked and went, so I know I have a baseline to work with there. And you are right, I can't afford to run 5's! :rolleyes: I'm just shootin' for the top half of the 6's for now.

  14. secondwindracing

    secondwindracing top alcohol

    Feb 10, 2004
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    done 5 things 1 worked!!!!!!!!which one worked out of the 5???..take small steps also remember if them are fuel heads they like some timing..fat heads is a hole different ball game..Dave
  15. aj481x

    aj481x Member

    Jan 27, 2004
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    All MSD controls use various combinations of their technology, the 8973 doesn't contain anything that is not being used in other "boxes".
  16. Scouder

    Scouder New Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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    I know, I know! But it's really only 2 things! My crew is me, my wife and a friend. My friend says the same as you. He thinks its close enough that if I leave the timing where it is and just foot brake it she'll stick. I think it's close enough that it might not. I'm gonna pull just a little more timing to make sure. I have got to get a baseline to tune from, then I'll start putting timing back.

    Hope you had a good time on the island!

  17. secondwindracing

    secondwindracing top alcohol

    Feb 10, 2004
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    we had a blast...didnt want to come home:) next year we will stay for 3 weeks..Dave
  18. Bottlefed

    Bottlefed New to Blowers

    Feb 20, 2008
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    In my opinion the 8973 (like any solid state electronic device) needs to be protected from transients to the inputs (needs a solid, preferably separate 12v-16v power source a tool battery works great) the main reason for the separate battery is that we use the battery in our race cars to supply a number of solenoids ( shift, transbrake, air throttle control, fuel system contol, etc) and all of these coils will cause a spike, when power is interupted, if not protected correctly. In addition to this box's also need to be shielded from EMI, from magnetos etc.

    In my opinion MSD as well as many others could do a much better job of protecting thier box's from voltage transients as well as EMI, by investing a little time and maybe $40.00 they could improve the power supply section of the box so that it would filter anything but the most extreme spikes, as well as encapsule the box's in a EMI resistant enclosure.

    MSD for whatever reason does not do this on thier box's ( they should not have to but thats another story) so since race cars are notorious for problems with voltage supply as well as EMI, I think its well worth the time to build a small box to protect the solid state components of a car as well as using a separate battery for the power supply.

    While many get away without running an enclosure and a separate battery, for me I think its well worth the trouble.
  19. Wildcatracing

    Wildcatracing Member

    Dec 15, 2009
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    Protecting electronic stuff

    Hi all, you can also put a zener diode across the 12v input to the device, I would suggest a 1watt 30volt zener as this will eliminate any spike greater than 30v. They are cheap and readily available from most electronic stores. These do NOT go in series with the supply, they go across it as a capacitor would. Its cheaper and easier than seperate batteries and boxes etc. Cheers:)
  20. aj481x

    aj481x Member

    Jan 27, 2004
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    All MSD timing controls, six shooters, etc. should be installed with an 8830 capacitor, as shown in the directions. :)

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