What size box do you need to fit a blown Hemi

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by willy200, Jul 29, 2009.

  1. willy200

    willy200 Member

    May 26, 2008
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    For shipping purposes, Could someone advise what Width x Depth x height size box you would need to fit a Blown Hemi with PSI Supercharger and injection.
  2. craig moss

    craig moss Member

    Sep 29, 2006
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    If shipping from NZ to the states I would make it a 4ft square with metal mounting straps to the motor hooked to at least 4by 4 timbers. So a fork lift can get under it. I would add x braces and at least 3/4 plywood skin with a 2by4 frame and add metal straps up high so it wont fall over in the box when it gets hit/smashed or dropped. Pack it like the bike on THE WORLDS FASTEST INDIAN Just pack it thinking no one transporting it gives a $hit and it will get there in good shape. I would bet it will cost a hundred bucks to build it
  3. TAD240

    TAD240 Member

    Jan 24, 2008
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    I've done this twice on used engines. I use a heavy duty pallet and like the guy before said, use ply and 2x4s to build and frame all corners and provide nailers. Don't use screws only, they break much easier than nails, so use some of both. The plywood on the two sides can go all the way to the floor, but leave it shorter on both ends so you can get the fork lift in both sides. Frame the engine in with 2x4s so it can not move. Put several 2x4 braces across the top so the lid sits on them. I also had 2x4s that sent across and sat on the manifold so the engine could not jump up and down in turbulance. If posssible, band the pallet for security.

    Try to keep it off of trucks, thats were your damage issues will be. If you can, send it air freight from one airport to another airport with instructions to hold for pickup. That way it only goes on a truck to move it from the tarmac to the warehouse at the airport, usually 1 or 2 miles. I just did this from Montana to Virginia via Fed-x. Of course, you will have customs issues to deal with also. Good Luck!

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