What parts would the ultimate blown Gas Hemi motor be based on?

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by fed-west, Nov 24, 2007.

  1. fed-west

    fed-west Member

    Dec 27, 2005
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    I am thinking of building a blown Gas Hemi based on the 426 hemi style motor. What in your opinion would be the best parts, or combination of parts, that would suit a Gas motor? Heads for example, would it be better to go with a large cc head or a Brad type head? etc. Motor size would be around 500-525 cubic inch. Thanks for any help.
  2. 23T Hemmee

    23T Hemmee Member

    Jul 10, 2007
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    I would think you would need a water head like Stage V Hansens, seems like heat buildup in a billet head would bring on too much detonation. Compression would need to be in the 9 to 9.5 range so at 526 inches you wouldn't need a huge dome, even with 170cc heads. You would probably need a bottom end comparable to an alky setup, know there are (were) some slight differences in cam centerlines between gas and alky, at least in drag-boats, which was the last place I saw a blown gas Hemi, 15 years ago. One thing I do know, your tuning window on gas is about 25% as wide as an alky setup.
  3. eli

    eli Banned

    Dec 24, 2005
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    All of the above, and if you want it to live ,don't use a teflon stripped blower.:eek:

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