What heights would you suggest to set up TAF/C chassis from ground

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by willy200, Jan 16, 2009.

  1. willy200

    willy200 Member

    May 26, 2008
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    I have set up a S&W TAFC chassis set up for a BAE engine ( only have a block at the moment to work with ) with PSI three speed lenco and have got engine set up at minus 2.9 degree. just about ready to attach front suspension to the chassis and have the lowest part of the chassis at the back of the motor with 5 inches ground clearance. The motor plate hangs down below the chassis rail at this area and has 4 1/4 inches ground clearance here.
    Is this two low or not or should we raise it a bit which we can do, which would lower the minus engine degree a little bit and give us more ground clearance at the motor plate. but would also raise the front of chassis from the ground more.
    The bottom rail of the chassis goes upwards from the motor plate to front of the chassis and we would have 6 1/4 inches of ground clearance at centreline of the front suspension and 7 inches at the very front of the chassis. Crank centre line to ground is currently at 11 inches which i would not like to take this measurement any higher.
    We dont have a sump on the engine block yet could anybody tell me what the depth of the sumps are for a wet sump and for a dry sump set up to ensure we have enought ground clearance we are using 23 inch tyres on the front wheels.
  2. mbaker3

    mbaker3 New Member

    Dec 30, 2007
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    Funny Cars must weigh a minimum of 2,300 pounds and may not have a wheelbase that measures more than 125 inches or fewer than 100 inches. From the front of the car to a point 12 inches behind the centerline of the front axle, the cars must maintain a minimum ground clearance of three inches. The remainder of the car must have a two-inch clearance with the exception of the oil pan and exhaust headers. The front overhang may not exceed 40 inches, measured from the centerline of the front spindle.

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