Wet VS Dry Sump

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by TOL, Feb 12, 2007.

  1. TOL

    TOL Active Member

    May 18, 2005
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    Have an old motor that we've pulled out of storage, to be run in a PSI charged outlaw door car, on alcohol this year (with higher compression).

    We are currently scratching our heads about the oiling system. This long block was originally intended for TF, and has a wet Dan Olson 10 quart pan with Titan pump. Unknown oil pressure at this point in the game. All new stuff, 90's vintage.

    Is it even feasable to try to run a 10 quart wet sump in such an alcohol application? Or, should we convert to a full dry sump? Or even, leave the Titan in place as a scavenge pump, and run an external accumulator tank & single stage pressure pump? The engine is vented with twin 1.5" breathers.

    Thoughts would be appreciated.
  2. blwnaway

    blwnaway Member

    Jun 28, 2006
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    We ran a 10qt olson pan previously but you may have ground clearance issues with it if your crank centerline is right. We ran 1/8th mile only with the 10qt pan though.

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