Wanted to say thanks to some people

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Soldierboy0098, Nov 18, 2007.

  1. Soldierboy0098

    Soldierboy0098 Active Member

    Feb 17, 2006
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    Hello everyone,
    It looks like Al-Qaida has bought everyone one years immunity from racing me at the track he he he...just kidding. My ego alone may be enough to keep me alive....lol
    Before I go back for Iraq round 2 I just wanted to say thanks to some people that have been instrumental in helping me get the funny car to where it is today. I couldn't have done it without you guys and I mean that. Your kindness and helpfulness will never be forgotten.
    Special thanks to:
    -To any poor guy in this buisiness that I will call from Iraq just to talk to when I'm having a bad day or something goes wrong....Pre emptive sorry.
    -My dad for running all over the U.S. to pick up stuff I bought, plus he's my dad...putting up with me counts for something.
    -Jeff Mould for selling me my first funny car chassis on payments when I was 15, I'm trusting my dad to that chassis now, If the car has half of the qualities that the former owner has then my dad is in good hands and I'm not worried.
    -Tim Stephens for selling me the Shortblock and possibly heads on payments
    -Tony Deparno for selling me the high dollar Blower on payments
    -Brenden Murry "A.K.A. the phoenix" the new car looks great bud, your a great friend and it was always fun
    -Karen Oie also a great friend and puts up with Brenden Murry....lol probably spent more on shipping my lost glasses back to me then I did on them in the first place.
    -Steve Lanuis at Missile enterprizes will definately talk when I get back
    -Joe Veshusio A.K.A. uncle Joe and family Another great friend who took me and my dad in his team after Lou passed away, Always helpfull.
    -"Wildthing" Lou Debarto craziest but nicest guy I'v ever known and he got me hooked into racing, truly my hero. R.I.P. Lou
    -Pat Ellerholz and family All of those years at Indy was a blast and I wouldn't give up those memories for anything.
    -Brent Lidgard always willing to help me out with advice both personal and racing, First person to offer to help me at the track when the car is ready.
    -Steve Kanuika trading me parts that are worth a lot more than what I'm giving you just to help me out, and for always talking with me and being a friend.
    -"Nitro" Mike Cavaleiri always willing to talk and do some swapping of parts and advice, great friend and good buisiness man
    -All of the former members of the supercharged warriors for showing my dad and I a good time always. Great guys
    -Jeff "Burner" Burnett for letting me work for you despite my having no experience
    -Keith "Rooman" Bergan it was a blast working with you, Let me know when the second flight of the Jet engine porta jon will be. Plus it was fun having someone to make cracks about Brenden being on California time with...hehe
    -Lowell Bodenbach at New century peformance Lowell was the guy in 04-05 that fell under my first line at the top about the poor guy I call when I'm having a bad day, Awesome guy, enjoyed working with you, If anyone ever needs a good aluminum Chevrolet block look no where else, great service and prices
    ***THE TENNESEE QUARTET***When I needed someone to talk to these guys were always there for me, Seems like everyone from TN is great.
    -Roman Popeluk for getting me into Hemi's and saving me $$$$ in the long run, Enjoy the Bac man Chevy, let me know how many records my baby breaks, sorry Brenden.
    -Dean Woodward and family one of my truest friends, thanks for everything. Enjoy the Rodeck.
    -Dave Watts and family another one of my truest friends, You have always helped me.
    -Command Sergeant Major Jim Kyle of the Tennesee Army National Guard, known him for 10 years but haven't met in person yet, just missed in Iraq. You have always treated me like a son and I hope through these years that any advice I gave helped some.
    I'm sure there are a lot of people I'm forgetting to mention that are just as important so please do not be offended if your name is not on here, remember the alzeimers....me neither....lol
    Thanks guys, The car will be finished when I get back for sure and every bit the competitive funny car I always dreamed it would be.
    Best wishes and Thanks to all,
    Spc. Trevor Sherwood A.K.A. Jynxx
    76th U.S. National Guard
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2007
  2. John Haley

    John Haley Alcohol Dragster

    May 6, 2003
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    Thank you for your service. I can see by your post that you are a very good man. :cool:
    I don't know you, except from this site. But you can call me anytime, my phone is on 24hrs and I answer if it rings at 3am 612-226-6115
  3. Bob Meyer

    Bob Meyer Comp Eliminator

    May 13, 2003
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    Trevor; me too. Thanks for both trips. If you really get bored, your call would be welcome here. 619-440-7701.
    I'm sorry but I don't exsist at 3 AM, so you'll have to call John.
    Get home safe!

  4. Dave Germain

    Dave Germain New Member

    Aug 1, 2003
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    Thanks, Trevor

    Thanks Trevor for your service. I appreciate it more than most any other American. My son did a tour in Iraq in 2003-4. Now he is in Afghanistan and is scheduled to come home in May 08. Unfortunately he is already scheduled for another tour in Iraq starting in August 08. He calls me anytime he can- you can too. I am not famous like John Haley or Bob Meyer but if they don't answer try me. Dave Germain 253-973-2619
  5. mark6052

    mark6052 Member

    Jul 24, 2005
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    over there

    GOD speed soldierboy. and dave, thank you for your son as well. May GOD watch over him. makes my engine problem seem small.:D
  6. tjenna

    tjenna Top Alcohol

    May 15, 2003
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    Thanks for the service and keeping our country great.
  7. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    Hate to hear you have to go back. Deployments suck, no way around it. I'm very greatful we have brave men and women like yourself putting your necks on the line overseas and back here in the states. It was a pleasure talking to you when you called a while back. Unfortunately, you sound like you're ate up pretty bad with ARS (Alcohol Racing Syndrome) which there is no known cure.

    Just keep your head on a swivel while you're over there. Shoot first, ask questions later. Don't drink too much of that coffee that looks like muddy water and tastes like terpentine. We'll all keep our eye on Jody while you're gone.

    Stay safe! You and the rest of our Armed Forces are why we get to race on Sunday. Here's to you making it back with enough combat zone pay to get that FC on the track! HOOAH!

    Always feel free to call me anytime (979) 415-4959. Txt or email at will.hanna@insidetopalcohol.com. I'll keep you updated whats goin on at the track.

    Good luck!
    Will Hanna
    Former U.S. Army SPC. Armor Crewmember, 1st Cavalry Division (1997-2000)
  8. dave hirata

    dave hirata Member

    May 6, 2003
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    re: thank you

    thank you for your service and thank everyone you will be with for all of your services. you are our HEROS. if you're an indiana boy, a big fist pump to ya too.
    Dave Hirata
    Hirata Motorsports
    219 742 8001
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2007
  9. Soldierboy0098

    Soldierboy0098 Active Member

    Feb 17, 2006
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    Thanks guys and gals

    I wanted to also say thanks to all of you who are volunteering to be the poor guy that I call when things get tough, it means a lot and I'm sure you'll regret it later...lol

    packing my old gear now and waiting for the new stuff, I have so much stuff left from O.I.F. 2 that I could privately start my own unit...lol no room for it all. Anyone care to air ship a container for me full of gear for me?..lol

    And Will, No need to worry about Jodi, he got the last one during O.I.F. 2 and my ex-fiancee turned out to be a total pshyo so if Jodi gets her I feel bad for him especially if he is another soldier....lol She messed my head up so good that I'm far too gunshy to try to meet woman anymore which is part of the reason I decided to go back but it also means theres no chance of getting dumped for Jodi while I'm away or as before the day I'm coming back after a seisure. Some things are looking up ha ha! Knowing my luck somebody elses girl will send me the dear john at the wrong e-mail address and I'll still feel bad...lol...crap!

    And as far as the Alky racing Syndrom the car will be done when I get back. I have potential sponsors already, and bought the experienced BAE billet shortblock of Tim Stephens, with that and the new heads, dry sump setup, PSI roots blower, and differant hat we should be able to run with the best of em in the IHRA and maybe even give NHRA div 3 a good run for the money.

    Thanks Guys, it's 2:30 am so I'm going to try to get some sleep now. My best wishes to all and if anyone wants to send me a funny car for x-mas it would be appreciated...lol
  10. JT Heslink

    JT Heslink New Member

    Oct 16, 2005
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    Good luck and remember to stay low. I might be seeing you over there next year. Stay safe and make it home.
  11. F/C Girl

    F/C Girl New Member

    Feb 9, 2005
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    Good Luck and stay Safe.

    Looking forward to seeing you in your car when you get home.

    A Big Thank You to You and All of the Soldiers fighting over seas, some of whom in this country, aren't even allowed to be served in a bar, but yet they are allowed to fight for our country.


    Be safe, like Dave Hirata Says: You Guys Are Our HEROS!!!!

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