Valves and keepers

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Ken Sitko, Feb 1, 2013.

  1. Ken Sitko

    Ken Sitko Super Comp

    Oct 21, 2003
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    Just wondering if anyone has any current info on problems with titanium valves, which ones I should stay away from, are the heads suddenly falling off a certain brand, etc. I am about to order a couple sets of intake valves, I was thinking Manley.

    Also, I have a customer that still has the non-roller type rocker arms on both intake and exhaust, would it be ok to use the lash locks on this (that is, the keepers and lash caps that are one unit?)? Would the non-roller type rockers glide across this surface all right, or would it tend to try to rip them apart?
  2. jeffj

    jeffj Member

    Mar 8, 2008
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    Valve Choice

    Ken, we had trouble a couple of years ago breaking the heads off of Manley intakes where the 2 pieces are joined. Talked to the Manley guy and were told the 2 pieces could never come appart, the joint was perfect, could never fail. Well, we broke more. So we changed to Victory one piece valves and have never broken a single one. We have of course bent them when a spring broke or at ultra high rpm hitting the piston. We are about 3 years now with the Victory valves. The Manley guy has approached us at the races to get us back on the Manley product but he still tells me that their valves would never break a head off at the joint with the stem. We will just continue with no joint at the stem and be happy with our current choice.
    Just my bit of experience with those 2 brands, I'm sure others will have a different experience. I'm not offering my observations to get into any arguement with anyone, please post what you have experienced or your opinion but leave me out of any debate.
    Jeff Johnsen
  3. john348

    john348 Top Alcohol

    May 29, 2003
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    I will have to put my 2 cents in here and Say Conrad makes the best Ti valves period
    Call Victory and do it right the first time.
  4. Ghost - Kevin

    Ghost - Kevin Member

    Sep 21, 2003
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    Manley - Victory


    We have used both the Manley and Victory. Both have great people and products and both have worked with us on custom valves.

    Have one set of heads right now with Victory and the other with some custom Manley's. Both work great and have performed equally great.

    The valves we use from either brand are one piece valves. Both brands have been 10,500+ RPM in our car and show no unusual wear or problems. We have never broken a Manley or Victory valve.

    We also use Manley Springs and Retainers, with Manton, and our own custom keepers. The whole one piece "Lash-Keeper" thing makes me nervous at higher rpm's. We used them back in our BAE2 engines with the standard square groove. You could see over time where they were moving causing stress on the keeper groove and stem. That was when we were using far less spring pressure and shifting the car about 9600. But we saw no wear problems with the "lash-Keeper" and a pad style rocker.

    If you have questions email me. Would be glad to help you.

    Disclaimer: We do sell Manley Products. But as mentioned we have and do use both products.

    Kevin Hool
    "The Ghost" TAFC 7
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2013
  5. Ken Sitko

    Ken Sitko Super Comp

    Oct 21, 2003
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    Thanks guys.
  6. doorslammer

    doorslammer New Member

    Aug 9, 2012
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    Any one know what the expected life span is of ti valves in a blown alky engine
  7. Blown5402

    Blown5402 Member

    Aug 12, 2011
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    Hemi Valves, Springs and Retainers/Locks

    Ken, I am building a new set of heads for my ProMod and wanted to buy the best parts that I could. After talking to Noel Manton, he gave me a good education of how parts have evolved and are different from a few years back. I think his help has saved me trouble on down the road and money. I decided to do the job right the first time with his help! He had everthing that I needed in stock and on the way to me now-THANKS! Jim from TN

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