using a 16 nozzle system or 8 nozzle

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by sean70ss, Jan 8, 2008.

  1. sean70ss

    sean70ss Member

    Dec 15, 2004
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    Is there an advantage of using the dribblers or just staying with the 8 nozzle system on a psi screw?


  2. Bob69

    Bob69 Member

    Jul 31, 2007
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    to dribble or not to dribble

    In my small amount of experience there is the pros and cons for dual nozzle or single for a screw.
    In the funny car we run singles
    In the door car we run duals.
    Dual nozzle gives you a cleaner, (less fuel out of the zoomies) at idle and bringing it up to stage, and more consistant cylinder temps.
    Single nozzles you need to make sure your exhaust fuel doesnt land on the ground in front of your tires or over your tires, but you only have one set of nozzle lines, less oppurtunity for a bit of debris getting caught in a nozzle, and for some, less cumbersome with the extra lines.
    The funny car leaves at higher RPM than the door car so there is less tendercy for a cold cylinder (it clears out unatomised fuel).
    The door car leaves around 5000RPM and with singles, it would be pouring alcohol rain.
    Norm Drazy (Mr PSI) belives in the dual nozzle system top to bottom and nearly bit my head of when I asked questions about it a few years ago. You will see a lot of racers with either or and being very successful with both. A begineer with a screw in my opinion, perhaps should consider going with a dual system to start with, then look at the single once you start understanding you fuel system and car behaviour.
  3. JRB

    JRB Guest

    We run a dual nozzle setup. With the amount of fuel run through the cylinders, 2 nozzles is the way to go. Setting idle temps is key in a door car, and allowing the motor to come up clean makes for a consistent starting line setup. Dropping holes while staging causes major headaches, Trust me, ive seen it happen 1st hand. It changes clutch settings, and overall power. The distribution of the screw as well can lead to burnt up parts pretty easy as well. We run an AJ 481X with a C at 120 over and have no issues with burnt up parts.
    For any help, contact Lonnie Houde or myself.

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