Used parts/engine

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by CjRedden, Dec 6, 2015.

  1. CjRedden

    CjRedden Member

    Jan 16, 2010
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    Here is another one throw out there. I run top sportsman with 526BBC 14-71 high helix supercharger. lenco drive 3 speed. right now I have an Dart iron block. My engine builder states that the mains on the block I have is starting to be a little loose and only has about 2 seasons left on it. recommendation says switch to aluminum block as we are trying to save weight. right now as it sits, my car has gone a best of 6.80 at 208.

    what are the thoughts of switching to a hemi? in my situation, would it be practical to go through used parts and build a long block going this route? for the power upgrade and reliability would this make any sense? I am not trying to rotate the earth and set any records. but I would like to have the ability to go quicker, as the top sportsman world seems to be going faster and faster all the time.

    I may have a link to someone that deals a lot of used parts local to the Chicago area. just curious what people may think and suggest as I do not have a million dollar budget here.

    Thanks guys
  2. jay70cuda

    jay70cuda Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2009
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    Why not buy a block and invest in your engine. Problem with used Hemi parts are not very likely. Block with a property done saddle is great fix. But someone deck a block and not tell you. Will leak oil all the time no matter what. And cranks work best when new. Hemi bearings are .00 and .010 under that's it. Not like a Chevy with .003 either way . Used crank bad idea.
    Then heads 6-8000 used.
    Rocker gear 6500
    Lifters 900-2700
    Buy a proven piece even if you can't afford it. I did the build it from used parts game and was fine for 15 passes then everything kinda started having problems. JMO
  3. CjRedden

    CjRedden Member

    Jan 16, 2010
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    im sure I will be buying a new crank within the next 2 years as well as the number of runs is growing and growing. within the next 2 years I will be buying a block and a new crank im sure. im looking for the best practical route to go for me. I have dart pro 1 heads now. im still learning and looking for the most efficient way to go. i was thinking that if im buying a new block and crank soon, if it would be worth it to go with a used hemi block and look for a set of older used heads. i do not need the most up to date equipment. old yet still good heads sounded good to me.
  4. Scotttrod

    Scotttrod Member

    Jan 7, 2012
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    I had a dependable Chevy program.... Aluminum 540 14/71. Everyone going faster ran the Hemi. I wanted to enter the Hemi game.

    I thought I found a deal going with a "fuel" headed Hemi, it turned out that it was WORN out. It was plagued with problems. I finally went with a good used, modern alcohol head Hemi and look forward to much better times.

    The advice that I was given (and did not heed the first round of Hemi purchase, and did the second round of Hemi purchase) was to buy a complete used motor, BAE 5 alcohol head head or newer. I recommend buying from a person or team that has a reputable program going on, they have good knowledge and won't sell you junk. It may cost a little more up front, but it is worth it. Good luck looking around.

  5. Soldierboy0098

    Soldierboy0098 Active Member

    Feb 17, 2006
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    Depending on how nice of a Chevy you are doing there actually isn't a lot more money involved in getting a used hemi together and parts are everywhere. Just ran around the pits trying to find a BBC lifter pair for a friend and although we found a pair I have like 30 pairs of hemi ones here. You get billet hemi heads w/ ti valves for the price of cast bbc w/ ss valves, a used billet crank for the cost of a new 4340 BBC unit, the rocker assemblies can be had for $2500 for the hemi whereas a new set of shaft rockers for the Chevy are $2,000 or more. The used Aluminum block market of yesteryear (KB olds and the newer new century units) have dried up a lot. and the valve covers are about $400-500 used vs. a nice new set of $420 fab BBC units. The intake will cost you a bit more. You can find a cast KB stg 10 4.310 or 4.375" block, billet BAE 5 fatheads, used 4.5 or 4.375" billet cranks, cams, ect... very cheap. The intake you will have a hard time finding and might as well buy new for what they go for. I sold a wicked short block w/ spares to a friend In Australia for I think $6,000 or $6,500 not long ago. I made the switch about 6 or 7 years ago and would never go back and I love my Chevy's but the hemi has a lot stronger valve train and is easily upgradable down the road. Hope that helps. Trev
  6. DQUES

    DQUES Member

    May 20, 2004
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    Sell the Chevy while it is still worth something and don't look back .
    a/fd slngsht and TADHemiracer like this.
  7. Mark Leigh

    Mark Leigh Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    Amen !
    a/fd slngsht likes this.
  8. CjRedden

    CjRedden Member

    Jan 16, 2010
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    heres another spin on this question. what are your thoughts on switching to a 481-x. I am with the understanding that there is many used pieces available and may possibly be a much better fit for my situation as with bracket racing, top performance and speed is not a requirement? thoughts??
  9. DQUES

    DQUES Member

    May 20, 2004
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    Not so sure on availability of 481X used parts , they show up here occasionally but not to often like the Hemi stuff does . Destroy a block and you might be buying new from AJPE or CN , price one of those .
  10. CjRedden

    CjRedden Member

    Jan 16, 2010
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    From my understanding complete 481x engines are for sale in very good shape. As I understand alot of people are straying away from them. I don't need the full power of a true hemi and a 481x should be very little work to change to from a BBC. Im weighing my options with the small budget i have. Right nowi have a conventional head bbc with an iron block. I wanna switch to an aluminum block. Plus i will most likely be looking for a new crankshaft soon. If i buy an aluminum block and new crankshaft along with a full winter overhaul like i usually do, it would make sense to try to purchase a good used longblock
  11. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    A Fathead style hemi is purpose built for 3000-4000+ hp at 10,000+ rpm. While a BBC can certainly make big power and run big numbers, you are running a combination that was never designed to make that much power. So you rely on a number of fixes, upgrades and patches to make it work. So even to run mid 6's you are pushing the BBC combo to it's limits while you are running at roughly half the power the hemi was designed for.

    There is so much good used BAE 5 stuff out there it's hard to justify even fixing one if it needs much of a repair. Just go buy another. They may not be primo pieces you would want to go 10k with, but they work just fine at 9000 and below. A hemi doesn't even give two shits about going 9000 as long as you have some half ass decent springs in it. Given you don't have total junk or wore out rods/crank, etc.

    On Dee Kruse's TD we have a 3 speed with a screw blown hemi and we go 8500 on the shifts and it crosses the traps at 9000. 6.0's at 240 mph. Making these motors into a bracket motor is somewhat new. I am freshening his motor up after the season of 43 runs. It looks like a top alcohol motor that just went out and did a burnout, then you tore it down. It looks that new. I checked the bearings at 20 runs. I am sending the rods out to be checked but I suspect there is more life than 43 runs on them. A similar hp nitrous motor is going to be a 50-70 run motor tops, so we are not that far out of the realm of reliability there. Depending on your blower, I suspect with a mid 6 second package you should be able to get 50-70 runs out of rods, especially if you go with a shorter stroke. The load on the big end goes up exponentially with a longer stroke.

    As you said the class is getting faster. There is always an advantage to being a faster car in bracket racing. Give the other car first shot to redlight, and put the race in front of you. If you can be real fast and consistent, you make it real tough for the slower car to judge you and it can throw someone who likes to hold a few off.

    If you build a hemi you have a base engine package that you can grow into as far as performance goes. If you do decide to make the switch, I would love to help. I just helped Chad LeVan make the switch in his car which will debut in D3 TS this year.
  12. TAFC 5 81

    TAFC 5 81 Member

    Apr 9, 2007
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    Interesting stats, never thought I would see the day Billet Hemi parts were the same or cheaper than quality BBC stuff. It should not surprise me as 35 years ago I had a AADA w/ Rodeck with solid cast aluminum BBC heads. At that point the price gap was shrinking, our remaining benefit was the abundance forged 396/ 427 cranks. Sounds like today there is enough used big cubic inch Billet hemi stuff to put together a reliable engine.
  13. pete9857

    pete9857 Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Also, years ago at Milan running Top Dragster with Veney hemi, standard 14-71, belt came off at 1000'. still qualified 5th. when you have more power then you need, a small oops doesnt send you packing!
  14. SoDak

    SoDak Active Member

    Dec 29, 2006
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    Your block, what is the bore size? I'm guessing 4.570 or 4.437
    Is it tall or short deck height?
    Is it billet caps?
    Is anything cracked?
    Lifter bore size? stock .844"? bronze bushing?
  15. Soldierboy0098

    Soldierboy0098 Active Member

    Feb 17, 2006
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    Yeah it's crazy how the market has changed, I have watched it go to where the Aftermarket aluminum KB olds blocks were cheap and now you can barely find them, then the cast KB hemi blocks were cheap, now the billet hemi stuff is becoming available cheap because BAE and AJPE is updating to a newer design block for next year, also NRE just developed blocks and all of these bring about a larger bore so I suspect you will see the 4.4675 bore blocks and 4.150 cranks up for sale cheap next year. A decent KB stg 10 4.310 or 4.375" block, 4.5" or 4.375" crank, and BAE 5 fatheads can all be had pretty cheap now and will hold anything you can throw at them if they are in decent shape.
    TAFC 5 81 likes this.
  16. Money Shot

    Money Shot Member

    Apr 13, 2009
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    Alot depends on how much $$$ you have to build a decent Hemi. I built a used Hemi once. Old Veney stuff. Didnt last any longer than my iron block Chevy. Then I had the expense of converting hearders, starter, ignition, etc... over to a Hemi. Hemi stuff is bigger where it counts and they will hold more power. Really all depends on what your budget is and how fast you are lookng to go. Good Luck either way. BTW, My Hemi deal was only 2 tenths quicker but about $10K more expensive. They all blow up sooner or later.
    Gunnyonfuel likes this.
  17. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    No doubt there is plenty of wore out 'hemi' stuff out there that won't be much of an upgrade over a BBC. I usually recommend people to steer clear of most of the Veney and Fuel head stuff out there. There are some good motors with those heads out there, but there is a lot of junk out there. There is a lot of later model BAE fathead style motors that will be a big upgrade over the BBC.

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