updated info from Vegas...including entry list

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by The Zone, Oct 5, 2006.

  1. The Zone

    The Zone Member

    Sep 14, 2003
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    This was sent to me this afternoon


    Top Alcohol Dragster and Top Alcohol Funny Car entries for the
    > NHRA Lucas Oil Drag Racing Series Pacific Division Finals
    > Nov. 2-5 at The Strip at LVMS
    > LAS VEGAS - The following race entries have been accepted for
    > the 2006 Lucas Oil Drag Racing Series Pacific Division Finals to be
    > held at Las Vegas Motor Speedway on November 2-5, 2006:
    > Top Alcohol Dragster: Ashley Force, Steve Federlin, Mike Austin,
    > Chris Demke, Bob Perkins, Duane Shields, Johnny Ahten, Frank
    > Dischbein, Spencer Massey, Jeff Hamelink, Garrett Bateman, Joey
    > Severance, Kevin Brown, Larry Miersch, Mark Niver, Darren Nicholson,
    > Ed Vickroy, Jeff Isbell, Eric Morris, Danny Valdez, Dennis Swearingen,
    > Brian Smith, Sean O'Bannon, Randy Eakins, Aaron Olivarez.
    > Top Alcohol Funny Car: Jay Payne, Steve Gasparelli, Dennis
    > Taylor, Ross Stickler, Brian Hough, Clint Thompson, Doug Gordon, Mark
    > Woznichak, John Weaver, Pete Rivera, Mike Drake, Ron August, Mert
    > Littlefield, Don Hudson, Larry Miner, Rian Konno, Jason Rupert, John
    > Patton, Sean Bellemeur, David Ray, Roger Bateman, Hank Coolidge, Bret
    > Williamson, Jeff Carroll, Paul Crifasi, Nancy Matter, Dale Van Gundy,
    > Bucky Austin/Joey Severance.
    > "At this point we have not turned away anyone on the list who
    > pre-registered," said Chris Blair, LVMS Sr. Director of Drag Racing
    > Operations. "Any late entries must contact the NHRA Pacific Division
    > office to determine eligibility for competition in this event. At
    > this point, additional entries will only be granted to teams currently
    > in contention for NHRA National and Divisional points. Any racer who
    > is listed on this entry list and has elected not to race in Las Vegas
    > is encouraged to contact the NHRA Pacific Division offices."
    > The Strip at LVMS received a record number of Top Alcohol Dragster and
    > Top Alcohol Funny Car entries, causing officials to seal the list and
    > refuse late requests.
    > "It's a tough situation to be in -- to turn away participants who
    > normally could make the show at most divisional races," continued
    > Blair. "However, we have national and divisional championships on the
    > line and we need to make sure those participants have the opportunity
    > to race under the best conditions possible. We need to make sure that
    > the racer competing for the Super Street title receives the same
    > opportunities as the racer competing in Top Alcohol. We pride
    > ourselves on being customer friendly to all sportsman racers and want
    > to make sure that everyone's needs are properly met."
    > The track will enforce an extremely-strict zero-tolerance policy for
    > oil and fluid leaks for this event for all classes. In addition, Top
    > Alcohol pit spaces will be awarded based on 2006 national and
    > divisional point standings. Only the top 16 in points for both Top
    > Alcohol Dragster and Top Alcohol Funny car will receive a spot in the
    > track's pro pit/midway area.
    > For more information, please contact The Strip's office at (702)
    > 632-8213 or visit www.LVMS.com <http://www.lvms.com/> .
  2. Don Hudson

    Don Hudson Supa fly

    Sep 22, 2003
    Likes Received:
    on the ball...

    Great work Deano... you should become a P.I...:cool:
  3. jeff_7306

    jeff_7306 Member

    Aug 20, 2004
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    What is there "extremely-strict zero-tolerance policy for oil and fluid leaks for this event for all classes" mean?
  4. was R4K

    was R4K Member

    Jun 20, 2003
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    "We need to make sure that
    > the racer competing for the Super Street title receives the same
    > opportunities as the racer competing in Top Alcohol. "
    I guess that this quote means that they have capped entries for super street at 25????
  5. DQUES

    DQUES Member

    May 20, 2004
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    Wow , how far away are invites ?.
  6. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    i'm with you jeff, i wonder what the hell the 'strict' policy is.

    surely a track cannot supercede nhra rules. nobody wants oil downs, but it happens sometimes. not to mention when you have nearly 30 cars for a 8 car field...some people are going to push it....you have to.

    to the best of my knowledge, it's 3 strikes and your out, unless you have a prior history of oiling the track down.

    i would hope this isn't a 'one oil down and you're done' rule. that wouldn't be right. the rules shouldn't be any different from any other divisional event.
  7. eli

    eli Banned

    Dec 24, 2005
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    Well, I`m gessing, this is some kind of deal, like when you played sandlot base ball, who ever had the bat and ball, made the rules, sound fermilyer??? what happens in VEGAS :rolleyes:
  8. jeff_7306

    jeff_7306 Member

    Aug 20, 2004
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    "like when you played sandlot baseball"

    Eli, I guess the problem is I never played that way. I was in Little League where there were rules.
  9. eli

    eli Banned

    Dec 24, 2005
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    Oh, ya, I never played in little league, but i umpired, that is untill the parents started yelling at me because they could see the ball come over the plate from the stands better than i could from behind the plate, strike one! :rolleyes:

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