Tyre temps on launch

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by murray, Dec 30, 2011.

  1. murray

    murray Member

    Aug 5, 2007
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    2700lb screw blown door car. always shows more tyre temp on left rear on launch. i thought this was showing more slip on left side than right side on launch. co crew chief thinks tire temp is up because grip is better on left making the tyre work harder. temps always even up by half track and car launches straight. not sure whether to add weight to left side or not. any thoughts ? thanks murray
  2. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    So since it is a solid rear axle then if one tyre was slipping more than the other the car would be turning. If the car is not turning then I would think it has to be because it is working harder or has more weight on it or both. Normally on a 4-link car the right rear is the one that has less weight on it because the left front lifts up and pushes the right rear frame down which unloads the weight from the right rear tyre. On a street car or 18 wheeler the tyre heats up if the tyre air pressure is too low for the amount of weight on the tyre. I would think that is why the left temps are also going up on the race car because more weight is being placed on the left rear than the right rear.
  3. Ron C

    Ron C Jr. Dragster

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Standing at the rear of the vehicle and looking toward the front, the pinion is driven in a counter clock rotation which leverages down force to the left tire and a negative force to the right tire. The left rear tire see's a natural loading and works harder.

    This is why you see in a stock vehicle without a limited rear end the right rear tire breaks loose first. The left rear is being forced down and has more sticking to the surface.

    That's my thought's anyway..........Blessings.........Ron Clevenger

    Pacific ProComp
    Creekside Racing Ministry John 14:6

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