Two New Data Acquisition Products from DataStar

Discussion in 'DataStar' started by Webmaster, Nov 30, 2006.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator
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    Oct 22, 2005
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    Two New Data Acquisition Products from DataStar​

    DataStar Magneto Output Sensor MOS-1

    Now available is the DataStar MOS-1 Magneto Output Sensor which allows you to monitor the performance of your MSD Pro Mag TM 44 amp red coil magneto ignition system. Both the output of the magneto itself and the coil are monitored as a combined unit by the use of this sensor.

    Designed expressly for magneto ignition systems with three-terminal coils, the MOS-1 will take out the guesswork about the output of your ignition system. Use it to monitor your ignition during the run. See how your mag performs under “real-world” loads. Match your best mags with your “A” motor. Save money on the constant testing. Be sure your mags are up to snuff every run.

    The MOS-1 is compatible with any data acquisition system that has a 0 to 5 V analog input channel available. Dual mag users will require two MOS-1 units, one for each ignition system, and two analog inputs.. DataStar data logger users have eight 0-5V input channels available as standard.

    MOS-1 for one magneto. $595.00


    DataStar Timing Module TM-1

    A new sensor from Pro Sport Engineering is the DataStar TM-1 Engine Timing Module, which allows you to monitor your engine’s timing in degrees.
    The TM -1 provides a 0-5Volt signal to your data acquisition system that represents the degrees of timing elapsed between the firing of the ignition system and the triggering of a crank sensor.

    This unit can operate with any ignition system whether magneto, CDI or other. Engine timing for up to two separate ignition systems can be monitored, such as dual mags or dual CDI’s.

    The TM-1 is compatible with any data acquisition system that has a 0 to 5V analog input channel available. DataStar data logger users have eight 0-5V input channels available as standard.

    DataStar data logger customers can have the TM-1 board mounted within their current logger, with no external wiring.

    Information such as the stability of your ignition system timing, whether advance or retards have been activated and by how much, whether magneto drive systems are operating well, is all at your fingertips with the TM-1.

    TM-1 for one or two ignitions: $495.00 for DataStar loggers. (Internal mount)

    TM-1 for one or two ignitions, with harness and Billet Case: $750.00 (External Mount)

    Contact Derry O’Donovan at Pro Sport Engineering for more information. 707 226-1556

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