Trick Titanium 8 5/8 can for small block Mopar SFI 6.1

Discussion in 'Noonan Classifieds' started by dreemchaser, Mar 15, 2015.

  1. dreemchaser

    dreemchaser New Member

    Jan 24, 2015
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    Trick Titanium 8 5/8 can for a small block Mopar (340/360). It came out of a Comp Eliminator car. It is drilled for a Liberty, Jerico or G-Force transmission. Comes with a 6-bolt clutch inspection cover, candlestick, throw-out bearing, clutch arm, computer sensor and block plate. This is not a cross-shaft/fork style can. It does not have a liner and needs a re-cert. It will meet SFI Spec 6.1 $1100 + shipping.

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