trans fluid help......again

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by CjRedden, Jun 14, 2014.

  1. CjRedden

    CjRedden Member

    Jan 16, 2010
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    Big block chevy 14-71 top sportsman car with a powerglide. I have a small cooler mounted next to my trans inside the tunnel. I keep overheating and burning up the fluid. Ive ran tci mx shift fluid. Ive tried 2 different ammsoil fluids that they have recommended. Last night we ran with john deere high guard mixed with regular fluid about 4 quarts jd to 1 quart. My first run I ran it to the 330 and lifted. Got back to my trailer I put my temp gun on the converter it was 325. 2nd run I ran it to the 1000' and same thing. Each time im pulling out about a cup to 2 cups of fluid out of my overflow can.

    At the end of the run ive been pulling my parachute leaving it in gear running til im almost off the track. Putting it in neutral and shutting down the motor before coasting off the track. Am I doing something wrong? Any input?
  2. Ron C

    Ron C Jr. Dragster

    Mar 4, 2005
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    "john deere high guard"...........has "frictional modifiers" in it to slip the clutch's which in high hp applications does not work.

    I would suggest three options, first is Red Line Racing Synthetic type "F", next is Red Line Racing Synthetic "Lite". Both are excellent. The third is "Mike's Transmission" racing fluid which is also excellent (He ships ).

    You also need to check your PG's line pressure. it needs to be up in the 265-270 psi range for the PG to live. if you don't have a G-Rotor pump in it you may have problems maintaining that kind of pressure.

    That's my thought's and experience anyway................Blessings...............Ron Clevenger
  3. Mac

    Mac Member

    Oct 8, 2005
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    What's your line pressure? Are your burning the band or high pack out of it?
    I have tried Hygard and Cat TO-4 fluid in the past but I think it was just band aiding other problems in my trans before we sorted it out. I run Redline now as per my builders instructions.No cooler on the car just cool it in the pits. We run 6.50's@212-215mph in a 2200lb altered with no problems now. Where are you located? The guy that does my glide now knows his high HP glide and 2 speed TH400 stuff.
  4. CjRedden

    CjRedden Member

    Jan 16, 2010
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    I do not know what my pressures are. I suppose I can look into putting a gauge in. My trans builder just put in a new ati pump with a new 10 clutch drum. It doesnt appear to be hurting anything other than burning the fluid. Is the fluids you mentioned compatible with the john deer I have in it now? And are those pressures on the trans at idle or at high rpm?
  5. swsc4133

    swsc4133 Member

    Nov 18, 2012
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    WHat are you using to cool the trans between rnds?
  6. CjRedden

    CjRedden Member

    Jan 16, 2010
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    I have a carpet blower I put under blowing right on the converter. It works great but my converter is up at 325 degrees. By then the damage is done to the fluid I believe. Which I may be wrong. Could my cooler be hurting me restricting flow? Is it a 15x7 1/2 inch one row finned cooler. -6 steel braided hose
  7. Mac

    Mac Member

    Oct 8, 2005
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    I build circulating pump style coolers. Ice chest or Fan options along with 12 volt or 110 volt options. Come with 10' hoses with quick connects
  8. Mac

    Mac Member

    Oct 8, 2005
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    Just burnt fluid? No black shit in the pan? I check my pressure at 2500 rpm plus. I don't run a cooler on the car my cooler circuit is looped. I think the coolers are unsafe and don't do much anyways on my car due to where I can mount it. I had three high quality coolers fail in high gear that sprayed everywhere....tried mounting them many different ways
  9. Ron C

    Ron C Jr. Dragster

    Mar 4, 2005
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    At your power level and weight you need to stop using the John Deere HyGard..."Formulated with friction modifiers that provide smooth clutch engagement and high braking capacity with minimum chatter."

    Is your ATI pump the aluminum one?

    Blessings........Ron C
  10. CjRedden

    CjRedden Member

    Jan 16, 2010
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    yes my pump is the aluminum one setup for the big aerospace ringless input shaft. as far as the pan, I pulled it after 4 runs after it was rebuilt with the new parts. there was just a little big of black soot in the base of the pan. which the fluid looked and had a semi burnt smell to it. sounds like I need to put a gauge on my trans lines and possibly try removing the cooler and just try a loop. and get rid of the john deer and go with the type f redline synthetic.

    it seems to be after the run the fluid just sits in the converter baking. for the most part the fluid in the pan stays between 180 and 200 which I have a gauge in.

    my racepak is generally reading .o3 to .05 slippage at the stripe so I don't think the converter is a problem.
  11. CjRedden

    CjRedden Member

    Jan 16, 2010
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    this may sound silly but where exactly do I hook the gauge up to? the cooler like leaving the transmission?
  12. Ron C

    Ron C Jr. Dragster

    Mar 4, 2005
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    No question is silly. The Servo cover has a plug in it. That's where you check pressure.

    Check your PM's......................................Blessings...........Ron C

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