Time To Write

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by john348, Nov 3, 2005.

  1. john348

    john348 Top Alcohol

    May 29, 2003
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    Some won’t care some do:
    As of Rockingham IHRA only had 1 letter and 1 email referencing the 8 car fields. If you feel we need them to go back to the 16 funny cars write them a letter or email
    Maybe they will listen and it sure can’t hurt
    They had 15.91 average car count for the 12 events this year.
    Write them voice your opinion!
  2. Ken Sitko

    Ken Sitko Super Comp

    Oct 21, 2003
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    Considering the recent nitro funny car announcement, I doubt IHRA would consider expanding the alky funny car field. I worry now that our class will just be allowed to die.
  3. DQUES

    DQUES Member

    May 20, 2004
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    I find it hard to believe ihra has only received 1 letter and 1 email on this subject . I emailed them and know of several others who have done the same . My partner and I could qualify in the lower half ( 16 car field ) but not much of a chance of outrunning the top cars , though it would be nice to race their events . I know the ihra has the af/c's on their schedule next year but with them bringing back fuel f/c's in 06 who knows what they will do in the future with the af/c's .
  4. john348

    john348 Top Alcohol

    May 29, 2003
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    It is like voting
    if you don't do it
    you cant bitch about the results
    take 5 minutes and email them
  5. Les Mellows

    Les Mellows New Member

    Jul 18, 2003
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    The future - to write or not ?

    If you do write a letter you should have a plan or process of improvement in mind because they will not listen to the fact of all but 2 events were full fields and so and so is coming and there will be others that will come. They don't want to support an all run class , The fact is that the car counts this year and years to come are the only things holding it together now. If those counts drop , so may the Class ?? remember the guy in charge hates F/C racing !
    So what is the answer ?? maybe we need to find a way to lessen the financial burden so more can participate in the events to learn/grow the class. I think a possible suggestion for them to consider is a "Green Card" for the 9-12 qualifiers that will provide them with free entry to another event in the same season (if the competitor is in good standing-no oil issues,penalties or infractions) this is a no money out of the pocket for IHRA and will allow drivers and teams to develop at a Prepared Facility and help them honour their sponsor committments. We need to showcase the new talent and create programs and support for the #9 -12 and #13-16 and hopefully one day the #17-20 qualifiers . Maybe A sponsor willing to put up some money for a Shootout for those cars in the 9th - 16th spots based on a point fund ???
    I don't have any one great plan but I believe that one creative and self supported could increase the value of your dollar and improve your experience and maybe improve the class !
    Remember they are looking for improvement not what they once had .... they are running a 3 ring circus and only the exceptional plans will please them .... you will have to be dancing on a ball when you pitch it to them and convince them the fans will like it and it will cost them nothing !
  6. bruce mullins

    bruce mullins Top Dragster

    Aug 2, 2003
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    allow screw blower. i know you are all hollaring but you can't say its a cost thing any more. now that psi has introduced their new hi-helix at $9400.00 and their poster car just went a couple ( not just one ) of .60's i think its time to look at the blower rules to help the class count. if nhra is considering this regional b.s. , this might be a shot in the arm ihra needs along with the nitro fc's coming back.
  7. Thurston

    Thurston New

    Oct 25, 2004
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    Lee, I think you’re on the right track. Something in the order of a 12 to 14 car field as a way for IHRA to ease back into 16 cars. With the average car count from last year they shouldn't have a problem filling the field with 14 cars. Yes at those car counts there would be one single pass during eliminations, but I would and I think the spectators would rather see the single pass in the 2nd round than in the semis that a 12-car field would bring.

    Bruce, how about the guys with screw blowers that are getting their clocks cleaned buy the big money teams in NHRA, put roots on and run with IHRA. Roots blower are still less expensive than a PSI.
  8. Chuck Anderika

    Sep 13, 2005
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    Every time something is said its change to NHRA rules. If you want to run IHRA get a roots. NHRA doesn't want alch. and everyone else should change to accomodate them? Let you guys sell your screw{to Who? no one else runs them} and come and run for $10,000 instead of $ 5,000. By the way, It's an open field, you don't need any grade points, they'll accept your License, you can show up on Friday without pre entering and all you have to do is go fast enough on Sat. night to make the the field. How can you beat that deal.
  9. Les Mellows

    Les Mellows New Member

    Jul 18, 2003
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    Change .... Good or Bad ?

    Maybe Bruce is Right ?? after all he is A dedicated and committed member of NHRA and although he didn't say anything different than he has before. Possibly it is time for a screw / roots war for parity .(I am not that Optimistic that this rule would change the car count even 10 %. NHRA it doesn't so that tells me the rules are not close enough to allow for close competiton ?)
    Maybe the Screw car @ 40-48 over and 2300 lbs. would run closer to the roots cars @ up to 70 over and 2200 lbs. ?? Who knows it may be good for a while or the better funded teams may start to show up with 2 differing set ups for differing weather conditions . It is very hard to estimate the potential problems for 2 different combinations ( see BAD/AFD banter ),but I guess at this point anything positive that was introduced with all the questions answered should get a reply of some sort from IHRA .
    This in no way will help the current situation for the learning curve for the new blood in the class , costs and returns cannot run this far apart for the young teams , there has to be a way to reward the participants that go home (early/dnq)or they will just stop coming !! more cars won't improve the class there will still be shortfalls and more of them .
    Signed, postercar.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2005
  10. M Tigges

    M Tigges TAFC

    Jun 11, 2003
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    Ride the wave till the end is all we will ever do! in either sanc body. And IHRA needs better FC inspection!
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2005
  11. bruce mullins

    bruce mullins Top Dragster

    Aug 2, 2003
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    i wasn't trying to be a smart%&* about the poster car les! you guys ran ,60's and have a psi roots. period. seems to me psi would advertise there blower with your car.
  12. DQUES

    DQUES Member

    May 20, 2004
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    Well I sent 2 emails again last week , 1 to scooter peaco and 1 to ihra through the ihra web site . I still am yet to get a response from either just as I expected . I am not sure why they post there email addresses if they do not respond to them .

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