think i damaged my electric koni's

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by promodracer, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. promodracer

    promodracer Member

    Jan 8, 2008
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    Does anyone know what damage i did to my electric konis shocks with sweeps.
    when a buddy started welding on my rear end. Smoke started coming from the top of the shock. The one that smoked did not have the black pig tail connected. The other side may not have been connected. The yellow koni box harness was connected.
  2. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    You can't risk it. I think Bickel can either check them or repair them or know where to send them. What else did you have hooked up like data logger or ignition?
  3. jody stroud

    jody stroud ZOMBIE Top Dragster

    Sep 3, 2007
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    If you weld on any kind equipment or vehicle , if you don't disconnect every ground at least ground to what you are welding on directly . More stuff is burnt up by grounding the welder on one end and welding on the other. It will arc and damage bearings, races and any metal to metal contact.


    Apr 18, 2005
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    Weld everything

    jody is so correct on this one. a famous chassis builder told me of an accident caused by welding on the chassis went through a metal brake line to get a ground. on the run, the spot on the brake line broke,opened up the brake line for a fluid leak, and he had no brakes and crashed.. i also found out msds dont like it either and smoked one. (right, tom?) sounds like a lot of work, but in the end it prevents stupid crap from happening.
  5. badbird

    badbird New Member

    Jun 16, 2008
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    its funny that there are so many opinions about welding
    a very well respected guy from your side of the Atlantic not mine welded my car with nothing disconnected he said putting the earth close to what was being welded was fine, disconnected nothing and nothing was damaged ( the car was fully loaded with electronics and a mag) with significant welding, but im sure that if your welder tries to earth through one of your components ...its screwed
    that i guess depends on your confidence in yourself,
    as for brake lines sounds like the welder in this instance was earthed very badly to a point it shouldnt have been, who removes melal brake lines when welding???
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2013
  6. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Electrons flow in the path of least resistance. If you are welding on the rear end then then ground should be connected to the rear end to a none painted point. In the case of the Koni shocks it sure sounds like it was grounded to the frame and therefore used the shock's wires as a ground path. Since the shocks themselves have rubber mounts it can't use them. If this car had a driveshaft rpm sensor or a shock travel sensor then the data logger would have been toast also
  7. aj481x

    aj481x Member

    Jan 27, 2004
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    The most important tool in welding a chassis, and most other welding jobs, is the wire brush or file that you use to clean a spot for the ground right next to where you are welding. ;)
  8. Bob Meyer

    Bob Meyer Comp Eliminator

    May 13, 2003
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    brake lines.........

    I don't know if Dan is refering to one of my two stories (no cars crashed, one, we knew the issue, two, all was good after the burnout, staged and left, shook tires, crossed finishline, chutes out, brake handle to dash.....thank the lord it was Dallas and made the turn and stopped.
    1. welded on top rail, car had braid line in bottom rail, smoke poured from bottom rail, felt brake handle, pulled hose out, it was barbequed. Ground (earth) was 12" from weld on top rail.
    2. welded on bottom rail motor mount, good ground. After failure, pulled hardline, found a pinhole with a blue "buzzat" around hole.
    God gave me good eyes, I like to use them to inspect my hardlines, I built over a hundred cars with properly placed and tie wrapped brakelines that my customers also could keep an eye on, because they were EXTERNAL due to my experiences. I could care less about anything else inside the frame rails!!
    I was called on it once (one of my TAD's) by a tech inspector (scrutineer) who I'll refer to as Mr."C", he said "you can't do that", I said "yes I can because it is not in the rulebook, and I feel it's stupid and here's why, proceeding with above stories". He scratched his chin and said "what if a rod hits it ?", me, "can't, it's outside"!........ more scratching, "it'll get crushed if it hits the wall sideways", me "can't, there is a tire there".... more scratching-now on forehead...."it will if the tire and wheel get knocked off", then it don't need brakes 'cause there is no rubber to stop the car", story ended with hat off head scratching while walking away !!!!! This was 25 years ago,
    I retired...........Mr. "C" did not..........guess what is now in the rulebook ????
    Good Luck to All in the new year and race safe !

    Uncle Bob

    Bob Meyer
    Meyer Race Cars / San Diego
    2010 Our 45th Anniversary


    Apr 18, 2005
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    Finally, a good ending

    all of bobs stories usually end with a crash, so its hard for me to keep them straight! anyway, you get the idea i hope.
  10. promodracer

    promodracer Member

    Jan 8, 2008
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    i think i damaged my koni electric shocks

    Thanks Mike i can't believe i did this. Just forgot.
    Yes it has shock travel sensors. Racepak analog v net and rpm pigtails were connected. But non of the wiring has yet to be connected.
    Not sure where my buddy had the ground. I am just going to have to inspect everything. I will have to send shocks to bickel or strange.
    Thanks guys.

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