The first 1/4 second?

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by AnimalCrew, Dec 23, 2007.

  1. AnimalCrew

    AnimalCrew New Member

    Oct 25, 2005
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    Hi all and Merry Christmas to you.

    My question is directed towards clutch changes for optimum launch and 60'. We run a Blown 532 with a 10" 3 disc Crower clutch. We generally run 6.20's at 220 to 225mph.

    I have heard that you can tell a lot about your clutch setup from scrutinizing the first 1/4 second of your run. I was wondering if anyone can elaborate more on this. I have tons of runs in racepak data but can't seem to figure out what is optimal.

    We normally 60' in the 1.02 to 1.04 range but have logged some sub 1.00 60's. I know a lot goes into that number but want to hear what the experts have to say.

    Let me know if you want more questions answered first. I'm normally the fuel system/tuneup/racepak guy but have gotten more into the clutch because I'm the one looking at the data and trying to relay what the car needs.

    I undertsand in general about plate pressure and what the base and counter do to the clutch after the launch. We just want to keep the 60's in the .9XX range.

    Let me know what you think...
  2. underby6

    underby6 Active Member

    Sep 28, 2006
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    Check the PM's
  3. AnimalCrew

    AnimalCrew New Member

    Oct 25, 2005
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    Thanks Brandon for the reply.

    I notice a lot of others have looked at this but not replied. Is this because it is sacred info? If so, tell me... I'll understand. I'll get there with what help has been offered and more trial and error.

    If it's a question not many can answer tell me that too. I may be trying to search for something I won't ever find....Maybe it's different for every car and I've got to learn more about ours...

    Thanks Guys,

  4. hemi altered 378

    hemi altered 378 Blown Altered

    Jul 3, 2004
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    you have a PM

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