Supercharged Outlaw Series

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Lawren Jones, Mar 16, 2005.

  1. Lawren Jones

    Lawren Jones Comp Eliminator

    Dec 9, 2003
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    Thought some of you might be interested in what SOS has to offer.


    Supercharged Outlaw Series

    $75 entry - car driver 4 crew
    $50 pre entry 7 days before event

    SOS will qualify 16 cars:

    Pay out:
    $1500.00 to win
    $1000.00 runner-up
    $ 600.00 semis
    $ 400.00 2nd rd loser
    $ 200.00 1st rd loser
    $6900 Total Purse

    SOS will follow the guidelines set by the NHRA 2005 rule book for Advanced ET.

    If your car runs a screw blower you must meet the TAFC/TAD guidelines.


    Performance clause of 7.50 will be in effect. To receive any pay out money your car must run quicker than 7.51. (special circumstances will be considered)

    All cars must run blowers.

    All cars must make both qualifying passes. (special circumstances will be considered) 1st round will be ran Saturday night.

    Must stage under power to receive round money. If your car can not stage under power you will not receive round money.

    If a car wins a round but breaks and can not make the call for next round, the quickest loser from the previous round will replace the broken car. The alternate car will split the round money with the broken car.

    Deep staging is allowed.

    Use of Rev limiters or shift lights allowed.

    Trans brakes allowed.

    Electronic throttle stops, shift timers, delay boxes, ect., ect, NOT ALLOWED.

    All cars must be painted.

    Diapers are mandatory. Diapers do not have to be SFI certified.

    Teams will be required to wear shirts of matching colors on the starting line. Examples: NO WHITE OR GREY T-SHIRTS!!! We are selling a professional product….. we want you to look professional.

    Must bring an oil container for the purpose of removing your own oil. The track is located on New Mexico State owned land and oil is not allowed to be discarded. You will be checked for your container at tech inspection. Wal-Mart has a good selection of plastic containers for a reasonable price.

    There will be a MANDATORY drivers meeting on both Saturday and Sunday. You will be given the time of the meeting when your car is inspected.

    [ March 17, 2005, 10:43 PM: Message edited by: Lawren Jones ]
  2. JBJ

    JBJ Member

    Jan 26, 2004
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    I heard that you have two races on the same date? One in New Mexico and one at RMR. Any truth to that and are the dates for the 4th of July for both of those races? If not what are the race dates and how many races?

    Thank JBJ
  3. djnorthland

    djnorthland New Member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    Thanks for the post Lawren.

    In addition to the dates that you listed, Memorial Day, Fourth of July and Labor Day weekends in Albuquerque, we also have an 8 car show booked in Roswell N.M. for the weekend of May the 14th. This will only be a one day event (Saturday) with the gates opening at 4:00 P.M. I hope to post a more detailed schedule with payout for this event by weeks end. This will be open to both Funny Cars,Alterds and Dragsters. The same rules will apply as outlined in Lawren's post.

    With regard to Fourth of July weekend, yes we have booked a show at both tracks. Bob Labbate had committed to all three dates at the begining of the year, and has always been a staunch supporter of SOS. When Ron Craft at RMR also expressed an intrest in the Fourth of July weekend we discussed it and felt that due to the depth of the talent in the Albuquerque area, we can field a 16 car "Pro Comp" show in Albuquerque and a 8 car Funny Car/Altered show at RMR. We feel this will give both tracks, which have supported this type of racing in the past, a quality show. With the overwhelming response we have recieved from the racers for our program, we feel this can be accomlished without anyone having to travel too far.
    For further information on the SOS program feel free to contact me at or 928-526-7959 Tuesday-Friday 10:00-5:00 PM
    Thank You

    Dave Johnson
  4. djnorthland

    djnorthland New Member

    Dec 2, 2004
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