super mag III

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by gottuna, May 31, 2011.

  1. gottuna

    gottuna New Member

    Nov 26, 2010
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    are these worth the money, have an msd set up 7al now, want a mag. found one for 450.
  2. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    The problem with this type of mag is that it retards your ignition timing when the mag is put under load. If you want a mag the I would suggest you look for a MSD ProMag 12.
  3. Comax Racing

    Comax Racing Member

    Sep 20, 2006
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    Mallory Mag

    I won't comment on the ignition retard concept that Mike stated, he has infinitely more experience than me and its probably true. I ran a Supermag III on my car (14-71HHR @ 27 psi) for 2 years and never had a problem. I found it a little under powered for my application but I like the Mallory stuff so much that I have Spud @ Fuel Injection Ent building me a SMV. Way cheaper than ProMag (that a fairly big factor as to why I use then). Draw back is its hard to get electronic add ons (retards and limiters) but for me they work great.

  4. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    If one is aware of the magneto loading effect that all you have to do is advance the timing on the mag 4 degrees over what you are currently running with the 7AL3 and it will retard back to where you want it when it is put under load. We all learned this the hard way when switching to a ProMag that you had to run 4* less less ignition advance.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2011
  5. Comax Racing

    Comax Racing Member

    Sep 20, 2006
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    Interesting Mike, do you know if this happens with all mallory mags,regardless of the output?

  6. MotorPsycho

    MotorPsycho Member

    Sep 1, 2006
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    Spud makes a real nice billet adapter that sits in your mag drive and allows you to run a cross drive on the mag instead of the pin and hard plastic coupler.

    This helps stop retarding under loan, Spud estimates the plastic and pin version can lose up to 8degrees under load.
  7. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    MotorPsyco, that mount has nothing to do with the retarding under load.

    All magnetos have an inherent characteristic of retarding timing as the ignition load on the magneto increases. This retarding of the ignition is due to the inability to build and collapse the inductive field in the coil at a rate that will keep up with the load of the motor. The amount the magneto is behind or retarded equates to about four degrees total at high load conditions. If a standard magneto such as the Mallory points type is timed at 36* at idle the ignition will be retarded to around 32* during high load conditions. This means if you really wanted 32* under load one had to learn to set the points magneto at idle on 36*. Racers learned to live with that and they just knew where to set them to make the best power.

    The points style magnetos under no load conditions such as idle can produce voltage at a fairly fast rate but when put under extreme loads the rise time of the voltage into the coil slows way down. The ProMag has a much faster rise time for the voltage going to the coil so the collapse of the field in the coil also occurs at a faster rate. When under load this results in the spark being initiated at a much faster rate than the points magnetos. This faster build up of the spark results in the spark being able to jump the sparkplug gap faster when the cylinder pressure is higher due to extreme loading. This in turn initiates the flame front in the cylinder at a faster rate so the burn rate of the fuel in the cylinder occurs at a faster rate and less advance timing is required.

    The MSD ProMag magneto generator still has this characteristic retarding of the ignition as the load increases but MSD coupled it with the Electronic Points Box which contains a magneto timing compensation circuit to eliminate the retard. Automatic compensation is accomplished by the Points Box initially applying retard to the timing at idle and as ignition load is increased the timing is applied back as ignition advance at a rate equal to the amount being retarded. This automatic compensation offsets the ignition timing change by the magneto so the timing remains at one setting in all conditions. If you want 32* at high load conditions you could now set the ProMag 44 at 32* at idle and it would remain where set throughout the entire load range.

    This ProMag compensation feature and the improved characteristics of voltage rise time in the coil is why we now set the timing at idle at a lesser amount of approximately 4* on ProMag equipped motors than we did before on the motors with the points magnetos. If you had the ability to observe the timing of the two type of magnetos under load you would find that the ignition timing on a points magneto is actually the same as a ProMag. It is only at low RPM during no load conditions that the timing is different between these two type magnetos.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2011
  8. Peacemaker AFC

    Peacemaker AFC New Member

    Mar 30, 2011
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    Mallory Mag

    The main thing is what are you going to do with the engine your planning on putting a mag on? I do a lot of local heads up racing quick 8's with an ex T/A funny Car and have a mallory IV and have a mallory v as a backup they all work. The problem I see with an msd setup is why the fuck you need 44 amps, these alcohol guys are ridiculous. I guarantee you we can smoke Frank Manzo with anyones car. We are outlaw funny cars that is one good thing that we have going for us we dont have to have any certs, no nhra licenses and run 3.68-3.90's in the eighth mile when we want to. MSD you have to have all the timing control bs, six shooters, points box etc. Gets pretty expensive.
  9. Marc White

    Marc White Member

    Nov 21, 2005
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    "Smoke Frank Manzo" Now theres a pretty bold statement.

    Here's a few of the incremental times from Mr. Manzo's car

    Gainesville (outstanding air) Frank Manzo's incremental times: 60ft-0.946 sec., 330ft-2.439, 660ft-3.606/212.96 mph,

    Charlotte (2165' corrected) Frank Manzo's incremental times: 60ft-0.944 sec., 330ft-2.454, 660ft-3.637/210.14 mph,

    Wonder what he could do if he didnt have to keep the motor together for another 1/8th mile. :D
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2011
  10. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Wow, so you can smoke Frank Manzo or Tony Bartone or Tasca with any of your Outlaw FCs? That means you can run a 3.58 to a 3.60 sec at 211 mph in an 1/8 mile and 5.43 sec at 267 mph in the 1/4 mile. I am impressed.
  11. Cpt Kludge

    Cpt Kludge Member

    May 15, 2009
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    I wasn't aware of the retard issue with the Mallory's. Thanks for the info Mike. I like the Mallory stuff due to price and simplicity. We don't need the the power of a MSD12 or 44 with our injected Arias or injected SB Ford and can save some money by looking around for used stuff and sending it out to Spud for testing and service.

  12. Peacemaker AFC

    Peacemaker AFC New Member

    Mar 30, 2011
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    Not very hard to run 3.60's with stuff that was designed 20 years ago been there done that. We have zero cubic inch limit no limit on boost, etc. Do whatever we want to without some hotshot telling us what to do. My car has been 3.63 in the eighth at 197 mph plenty of times and can do it again. It took .030 off the clutch and was even down on power had 32 degrees of timing in it. Came off the clutch and it just felt like a turd but hauled ass.
  13. Peacemaker AFC

    Peacemaker AFC New Member

    Mar 30, 2011
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    And it had a 945 sixty foot time hopped up on the second go around. Anybody can do it. I learned this shit from a well respected IHRA TAFC tuner/owner that ran a dyno shop.
  14. 23T Hemmee

    23T Hemmee Member

    Jul 10, 2007
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    Dayum, I've got a hero right here in my hometown and I didn't know it.......I'm excited... :D :D :D

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