Spark plugs

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Cartoone, Aug 20, 2010.

  1. Cartoone

    Cartoone Cartoon

    Feb 18, 2008
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    We got a KB Olds 526, Littlefield 14:71@20%, AJPE fuel heads. Going to run NGK r6061-10/11. I have been reading Mike Canters exelent 101 on plug reading, but on this plugs the ground strap has no bend, how do I determin ignition?

  2. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    The ground strap on the 6061 is pretty short so I like the "Blue Line" about halfway down the strap. The other option which is a little cheaper is to use the NGK 5671a- 10 or 11. It is the same heat range but with a longer strap with a bend it it. If you are just starting out then the longer strap gets hotter easier if the tuneup is wrong and will get nipped faster so you know to back off. When the 6061 gets nipped it is normally too late. The 5671 uses a 5/8 socket vice the 13/16 on the 6061.

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