
Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Will Hanna, Apr 27, 2010.

  1. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    In the military, we called it 'fratriside.'

    It's impossible to know who to blame, and there's a lot more peices to the puzzle than we racers see. Tracks take the majority of the financial burden, and maybe they just don't care.

    I know the tracks have their own local races and other events they have to schedule around. Two races that close together would be one thing, but three, well, that just sets the bar for low car counts.

    It was pretty easy to know going in Div. 3 was going to have a decent turnout for a couple of reasons. One they have a solid in-division base to pull from on all levels. Two, D3 generally attracts D1 cars, which did not have a divisional (I don't know why, everybody else was). It did hurt the D3 cars because for some of them, Great Bend would not have been that far of a tow to pick up an out of division race.

    D4 and D5 were the real losers out of the scheduling because they have so many cross over racers. A lot of D4 guys go to D5 races, especially the closer ones like Great Bend, and vice versa.

    As if it wasn't bad enough doing it one weekend, they rescheduled the Indy D3 race the same weekend as the Topeka national. Again, now racers that would ordinarily go to both have to choose.

    I know scheduling is tough, but was there no other alternatives?
  2. Darren Smith

    Darren Smith New Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Do Track owners schedule these Div. races? You would think they would try to work around Natl's and other Div. races to improve their car counts!

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