Roll Cage Shrouds for FC

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Ken Sitko, Dec 6, 2007.

  1. Ken Sitko

    Ken Sitko Super Comp

    Oct 21, 2003
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    We're ready to build a helmet shroud for a couple of TAFC's, and just heard that we aren't allowed to use carbon fiber at all for this, only chromoly or titanium. Does anyone have a definitive spec for fabricating and mounting these panels in the funny car roll cage?

    What is the thickness requirement?
    How many bolts to secure each piece? What size of bolt?
    How is the panel to be mounted in the roll cage, inset or flush to outside?
    Can they be welded to the roll cage, or would that cause problems if it had to be cut off at the race track?
    If the panels are bolted on, can flat head screw be used so the body doesn't hit them?

    To be able to be ready for the first race, we need a definitive spec right away.
  2. Ken Sitko

    Ken Sitko Super Comp

    Oct 21, 2003
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    Oh yeah, I forgot, if anyone has any information at hand, please post it, but also e-mail me at work, .
  3. Ken Sitko

    Ken Sitko Super Comp

    Oct 21, 2003
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    My son reminded me that there have been discussions about this elsewhere on this site. I'll post it below, but I still would like to see something more official.

    From the NHRA Div 5 web site.
    Helmet Shroud/Deflector Plate

    All vehicles in Top Alcohol Funny Car must have a rear-roll cage shroud. A one- or three-piece shroud is permitted. The shroud must be constructed of minimum .075-inch Grade 2 ASTM-B-265 titanium or .090-inch 4130 steel or be of NHRA accepted composite construction and must be shaped to conform to the roll cage. The shroud must be attached to each of the side bars with a minimum of three 1/4-inch minimum diameter Grade 8 bolts and bosses per side, to the top with one 1/4-inch minimum diameter Grade 8 bolt and boss, and to the rear bars with a minimum of two 1/4-inch minimum diameter Grade 8 bolts and bosses per side. Tabs with] bolt and nut, where the nut is welded to the tab, may be used in place of the bosses. Three piece shields must be made with two side shields and a center section.

    The shroud must be installed flush with or be filled/sealed to the upper roll cage bars and shoulder hoop to the extent that protective equipment cannot inadvertently catch between the shroud and the roll-cage components. Absolutely no components may be mounted to the helmet shroud above the top of the shoulder hoop. Unless the shroud is mounted with fasteners that have ½-inch hex style heads (as required in TF and TAD) a clearance slot minimum 1-¾- inch high by 2-inch wide is required on each side of each roll cage tube where it meets the shoulder hoop.

    The thread is here:

    The carbon thing, as it states above has to be "approved carbon" so I would be lead to assume that this must be an approved kit from a manufacturer like McKinney, Spitzer, etc.
  4. Dave Germain

    Dave Germain New Member

    Aug 1, 2003
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    Ken, Mckinney has one, so does Spitzer. Jeff Burnett at Composite Specialties also has one. I saw it first hand today at the PRI show. I don't know whose are approved by NHRA yet though. Burnett's piece is very nice and if it is approved it is the one I will buy. Dave Germain

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