rear wing angle whats to much or to little

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by afuelfreak, Apr 24, 2006.

  1. afuelfreak

    afuelfreak New Member

    Jun 2, 2004
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    need some input on rear wing angle using adual element wing & need some imput , is there a point where too little effects saftey & drivabilety & to much is slowing me down , where is a good starting point , no body has giving me much on this topic , example is 1.5 degrees unsafe & 4.5 too much ?
  2. Alkydrag

    Alkydrag Sr. Dragster

    Dec 24, 2003
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    I'm not a dragster expert, let alone a dragster with a dual element wing. My experience comes from funny cars. But what I can tell you is to watch your engine RPM from the download. If your RPM graph steadily climbs, then your wing angle is sufficient. If it gets real eradic down track, then you might want to put more wing into it. If it's steady, you could also have too much angle and create too much downforce. Try taking some out and see what happens. This information is only true if your RPM sensor is working correctly.

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