racing methanol or industrial grade

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by alkynova, May 4, 2009.

  1. alkynova

    alkynova New Member

    Jan 10, 2009
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    what are you guys running for methanol. Is it even worth paying the extra for racing methanol. Are we only talking about a tenth faster with racing methanol vs industrial.:eek:
  2. john348

    john348 Top Alcohol

    May 29, 2003
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    I wish you could get a tenth by changing the name to "racing"
  3. OwnBlock

    OwnBlock Member

    Jun 12, 2006
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    lol how true, industrial grade, mmm or racing grade, theres a difference? yea right, im sticking with industrial.
  4. AFC357

    AFC357 New Member

    Nov 19, 2007
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    99.9% Pure Methanol is what it is, regardless of the color of the barrel! If its pure and clean, GO FAST and save $$!
  5. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    water and purity

    The difference between the higher end racing fuels and industrial grade is transfer points and how much it has been exposed to the water in the air.

    Pure methanol is anhydrous, meaning it will READILY accept water from the air.

    Just because it has a racing fuel label on it doesn't guarantee that it has a minimal amount of transfers.

    I know that VP and PowerMist have minimal transfer points from the tanker to the drum. Both sell the fuel in a lined drum. Any fuel supplier, whether racing or industrial should supply the fuel in a lined drum.

    I used to run the cheapest alky I could find in my bracket car, until you start noticing how much crap is in the fuel in the funnel filter.

    I've also been at points races where VP wasn't available and all we had the choice of was whatever the track or local race fuel guy had on hand. I can think of two races where the stuff wouldn't even pass fuel check and the track had to call a local fuel supplier to sell to the alky racers. I've also had races where we would buy it and tech would say 'it passes, but barely'.

    By the rule book, Grade A and AA Methanol is legal to run, both have to be a minimum 99.85% pure. The water content, ppm for A grade is 1500 vs. 1000 for AA grade.

    I'm not a chemist, but in my opinion, industrial grade methanols are going to have more water content than a supplier that has minimized the transfer points and exposure. How much difference I don't know. Speaking in tuning terms we can understand, I don't know if it's the difference in 10 grains of water or 20-30 plus?

    I'll keep buying VP when available.
  6. mark6052

    mark6052 Member

    Jul 24, 2005
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    here we go again

    I sell VP fuels here in the northwest. I just spoke with Brad in texas. VP does buy from one of the 3 major suppliers, it is transported in a designated tanker, (meaning it doesnt haul other chemicals) and is then put into there new lined drums. some of the cheaper stuff is also a reclaimed methonal. the difference of cheap and VPs meth up here is about 2 dollars a gallon. for a blown car that about 10 dollars a run. yes it adds up. so does buying bottled water. VP will also stand behind the fuel check, cheap does not. I have personally seen a change of 2/10th and 3mph by switching to VP. you guys are funny, you spend thousands to get the jets tweeked the the .0001 size, throw away 80.00 in spark plugs apass, risking 10,000 dollars in damage to the engine if a small piece of grit gets to plug a nozzle. but you saved 10 dollars in a pass. penny wise and pound foolish. Does Manzo run the cheap shit?
  7. Dave Koehler

    Dave Koehler Member

    Sep 10, 2004
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    While we are on alky, Tell me what the M3 and M5 really is chemically and what do I need to compensate when making the change from M1?
    Got one in here now that is going to use the M3 and I am not so sure if I need to set the injection differently.

    Dave Koehler
  8. kosky racing

    kosky racing Comp Eliminator

    May 11, 2003
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    If you buy lab grade alky 99.99 how much purer can you get? where do you think the major suppliers get their alky do they make it or buy it????
  9. mark6052

    mark6052 Member

    Jul 24, 2005
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    pure meth

    are you sure its 99.99% pure? is safeway gas the same as chevron? :rolleyes: VP will stand behind fuel checks, will discount world do the same? how many records have been set with the generic? how many races, championships have any of you won with generic? if you have, good. if not and Im sure most of you are also rans, be honest and overview the whole program. I have personally blown up thousands on a pass because of cheap contaminated fuel. the used drums were bad. we tried to use paint filters to help. I dont have that problem with vp. I have personally helped a team at seattle go from 5.90s to 5.70s with nothing but a change in fuel. and watch them slow when they went back to cheap. the "tuner" knew it wasnt the fuel. ;) are you guys so sure this is THE area you can cut corners? you spend thousands on the smallest detail to win, yet the FUEL the car needs to MAKE hp, cheaper is better? how many of you would run recap tires if they were cheaper?

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