PSI Superchargers

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by alkyfan, Jan 26, 2004.

  1. alkyfan

    alkyfan New Member

    Dec 1, 2003
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    Why are there so many for sale now?

    Is there a new model out.

    If not, how come they are selling some of them so cheap.

    I thought that these blowers were selling for $14,000 when new.

    WHATS UP?????

    [ January 26, 2004, 06:01 PM: Message edited by: alkyfan ]
  2. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    They are less than $10K, but by the time you get the stuff you need to make them work (shaft, drive, double burst panel, starter bracket and stands, etc. they are on the downhill side of $11K.

    Some are for sale due to the TAD switch to AFD. Some of the cheaper ones are old B style or B's converted to D's. You have to be carefull before you buy. Get the serial number and ask Norm Drazy about it first.
  3. was R4K

    was R4K Member

    Jun 20, 2003
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    I SEE "D"s in the 4-5 thou range- must be a lot of people changing to IHRA in f/c along with TAD's changing to A/F. With IHRA now allowing A/FD in top fuel, with 8,000.00 first round money and allowing the A/FD clutch mngmt, you can bet a lot of people will be looking hard at leaving NHRA- looks like charging alki cars for divisionals may have been a bad move on NHRA's part.

    [ January 27, 2004, 11:08 AM: Message edited by: was R4K ]
  4. blowerlady

    blowerlady New Member

    Jan 26, 2004
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    was R4K: As I remember, you were among those very opposed to NHRA allowing TADs to use the gizmo, because you were afraid it would obsolete the blower you had. Well, NHRA didn't allow the gizmo, and, guess what! Your blower is, by your own observation, nearly obsolete! I guess the moral to the story is, be careful what you wish for.
  5. was R4K

    was R4K Member

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Pat- I did not feel the Gizmo would in any way bring parody to TAD. Just an extra ten thou expense. I love the maint free PSI. Do you dispute any of my conclusions in the original post? I'm sure I could be wrong on all of them. I appreciate your memory, but giving me a shot (ouch!) does not change the fact that the sanctioning bodies will do what ever is in their best interest as opposed to the best interest of either racers or manufacturers. Just to be clear- I DIDN'T WISH FOR ANYTHING (well maybe 90% was in the back of my mind. lol)
  6. The Zone

    The Zone Member

    Sep 14, 2003
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    Unfortunately in this particular case the NHRA did not do what was best. The gizmo would have been the best solution. It is the cost of racing. Much like buying a new set of heads, or other spare parts. And don't tell me it would have cost 10-12k to replace the old one. the net would have been less than 6 or 7k. It would have been the best fix in order to bring the blown guys closer. And in the summer time, parity would possibly go the other way.

  7. The Zone

    The Zone Member

    Sep 14, 2003
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    Unfortunately in this particular case the NHRA did not do what was best. The gizmo would have been the best solution. It is the cost of racing. Much like buying a new set of heads, or other spare parts. And don't tell me it would have cost 10-12k to replace the old one. the net would have been less than 6 or 7k. It would have been the best fix in order to bring the blown guys closer. And in the summer time, parity would possibly go the other way.

  8. was R4K

    was R4K Member

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Dean- with all due respect- no place to tell you the costs of buying, selling, shipping, pkging and gst. Just like you are not about to explain to me all the costs associated with your great magazine (including the cost of that free subscription that you owe me. lol) Hope your double post doesn't mean you were agitated ;)
  9. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    In IHRA, how much is a state of the art roots and how often do the better teams update them? More often than a PSI?

    How many times have you seen someone restripping a PSI at the races.

    Just curious.
  10. Bill Severino

    Bill Severino webmaster

    May 7, 2003
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    Good point Randy......We used to re-strip after 2-3 runs at a race.....Course we had 3 roots blower in 2002.
  11. Les Mellows

    Les Mellows New Member

    Jul 18, 2003
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    Bill you guys were stripping them because they were not efficient and you were mean to them , and also because you guys usually had the motor apart anyway on saturday nights!(LMAO). Jimmy always wanted "Bad Ass" fresh for Sunday, 'case he wuz fixin to use it on sumone. The Littlefield is as good or better than it was 5 years ago and probably is slightly more consistent with the use of the Kobelco rotors (cost $4200). The SSI from what i see has great results for some users who have found the "special"one, like the Littlefield most users will strip them every 3-4 runs thats why they have 2 or 3 blowers (cost$4600). The Kobelco is a little more Efficient in its design and therefore a little more forgiving you don't have to strip it as much, maybe only every 8-10 runs.( need only 1-cost $5000.) There is also a redline series blower mainly used in Promod and it is more Efficient at lower overdrive than the conventional is . (need only 1-cost $6000.)

    Randy we have had 2 Kobelco blowers for 3 years they are virtually identical on both of our Funnycars.

    [ January 28, 2004, 06:51 PM: Message edited by: Les Mellows ]
  12. tjenna

    tjenna Top Alcohol

    May 15, 2003
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    Good Post.

    Gizmo should be allowed.
  13. Bill Severino

    Bill Severino webmaster

    May 7, 2003
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    Les that motor came apart Saturday night weather it was hurt or not. Jimmy is a stickler for checking everything. He use to have us go over every inch of the car!

    By the way nice Jimmy speak.......

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