PSI Rev Limiter for Supermag?

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by WJ Birmingham, Oct 3, 2007.

  1. WJ Birmingham

    WJ Birmingham New Member

    Oct 1, 2007
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    I've seen these advertised here and there since we moved to the magneto about 3 years ago. As of to-date, our only rev limiter was my right foot.

    Does anyone have a link to who makes this rev limiter and where I can find more information to educate myself as to how it works?

    Thanks in advance.


    SMcLEMORE New Member

    Sep 9, 2003
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    Call PSI Superchargers 480-820-6511.
  3. WJ Birmingham

    WJ Birmingham New Member

    Oct 1, 2007
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    I kinda assumed that's who made it, but it's not shown on their web site.

    After speaking with Roger (owner), all questions have been answered. Really neat.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2007
  4. gregl

    gregl Member

    Oct 25, 2006
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    Use a mag to tach signal converter with a rpm activated switch to activate the msd relay that will give the + side of the coil ground when it reaches the desired rpm.(chip)I think the psi ones are good for sprint cars.I hope this helps .I shattered a motor one time because it did not go into gear and I had a psi rev limitter on it and it still saw the moon.The way I descibed it works.If you have any questions e-mail me.
  5. WJ Birmingham

    WJ Birmingham New Member

    Oct 1, 2007
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    I had a mag to tach signal converter from MSD... It sucked, and so did MSD's support of it. After changing to spiral core wires (back then they didn't say solid wouldn't work), moving the transformer, twisting every wire in the ignition, and finally coating all the wire looms with aluminum foil, we still couldn't get a steady tach reading.

    We even sent the mag back to Mallory to see if there was something wrong with it.

    Changed back to a dual pickup for a mag tach/external shift light, and no more issues.

    The largest issue I have with doing what you propose is this...

    What happens when you ground the mag and as such the ignition pulses to the switch stop? Does the switch then turn back on?

    With either unit (as proposed) or with the PSI unit, how do you ensure that you're not dropping the same cylinder twice, thus loading it heavily possibly causing a hydraulic condition or even worse a backfire?

    The only thing I've seen that I liked so far (which is why I've been 3 years with my foot as the rev limiter) is the auto meter kill box. But, then if you hit the RPM limit on it and it kills the mag, the motor still winds down, loading more fuel into it and as such requiring you to remove all the plugs and crank over the motor.

    I know the ultimate solution is to simply move to the MSD series mags with their control boxes, but right now, like the aluminum block in my other thread, it's simply not in the budget.

    There has to be a reliable, affordable solution that works.



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