PSI and Kobelco info?

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by MtnTopMotorSports, Jul 29, 2007.

  1. MtnTopMotorSports

    MtnTopMotorSports New Member

    Oct 17, 2006
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    I know this has been asked a hundred times before but I can’t find any post on here about this. I have a 481x and looking for a blower to put on it. What are the pros and cons of the PSI (roots style) and a Kobelco K11? Where do they work at on the track as far as at 60ft, and the 330ft? Does one build boost faster then the other & does one make more then the other? Will one out MPH the other? What about maintenance with the 2. Can you get more run with one with out having to strip it? Also what about cost of stripping one verse the other?
    I see that Rob Atchison is running a PSI but I see more Kobelco. Is there a difference on set up between an AFC and a Pro Mod? Look as if AFC can use the power sooner.
    Second, pros and cons of the screw blower verse roots style blowers. I’m seeing more and more of them. Where do they work at on the track? I have heard that they are not a hard on the motor, is this true? What about weight? How much more are they then a roots style? What about maintenance with them? What the difference between the 206D and 206C? I know you can run D (I think) in NHRA and IHRA and C you can’t for some reason.
    I’m running in Outlaw classes so rules of NHRA and IHRA does not matter. Safety is always a concern. I don’t want anything unsafe, just want to go fast. Well, faster then the guy beside me!
  2. Fuel Doctor

    Fuel Doctor Nitroholic

    Jul 22, 2004
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    Check your PMs
  3. MtnTopMotorSports

    MtnTopMotorSports New Member

    Oct 17, 2006
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    OK Donny, tell me what you think. You have researched this a lot more then I have. It doesn’t look as if anyone is going to give there opinion except for the fuel doc. I would like to have some more input!
  4. 69outlaw

    69outlaw New Member

    Jan 16, 2007
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    Really I think you should put turbos with alcohol on it.Just kidding. I have been told on the dyno the K-11 made more horsepower than the PSI. I know that DMPE does alot of mods to the K-11 and do not know if the PSI can be modified to make more horsepower. As far as the screw I guess it depends on what car you are going to build to put it in . If you are gonna do a 10.5 car i would say get a screw. If you are thinking about a big tire car you would be limited to what class you can run with a screw. I think i would go with the K-11 if it were me. DMPE told me depending on the opening mods as to how quick the blower will make boost. Give me a call sometime.

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