port injectors or not

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by hotrodharlkey, Nov 30, 2009.

  1. hotrodharlkey

    hotrodharlkey New Member

    Jan 19, 2009
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    eng. specs;
    11.8 to 1 comp
    736 lift rollor cam
    12-71 alcohol blower[25% od]
    enderle "big&ugly" alcohol injector hat
    mallory super 3
    brodix heads at flow shop now being done.
    1;80 plantier power glide[trans brake]
    4;30 rear gears
    weight of car unkonown at this time

    this car will be used part time race[for fun only]and showed[car shows and short cruises] when no money to race;

    do i need to run port injection with my hat injection..the big&ugly hat has 3 injectors on each side and 2 injectors going into back of blower itself.is a alcohol engine
  2. Don Onimus

    Don Onimus New Member

    Feb 28, 2009
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    When you set it up, if you don't want the port nozzels just flip the -8 check valve around. The fuel won't flow through the check valve. Or have a second one set @ a higher pressure so it won't open until the Pressure is high You may never see it on the street. Just be real careful. You could spend a ton of money hurting things on the street. Pick some one who you trust or know who can understand what you are trying to do. Good luck. Don
  3. alcohol altered

    alcohol altered New Member

    Apr 22, 2007
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    Run port nozzles. If nothing else for the individual cyl tuneability. Like said in previous post, if you don't want it flip the check valve around. Are you running tall deck or short deck? I run a short deck and when I ran a regular BDS comp intake I had to majorly modify my valve covers so nozzles and hoses would clear. Tunnel ram is the way to go like a Hogan or Indy.
  4. hotrodharlkey

    hotrodharlkey New Member

    Jan 19, 2009
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    it is a tall deck and a comption bds blower intake..i noticed in the mock-up of engine i couldn't see the port holes intake.was thinking i would have a fitting problum..car won't see much street at all.mostly just unloading off trailer and driving into carshow or unloading a block away from a cruise-in and driving into it is about all street use it will see.hope to race as much as my fixed income will let me[disabilty doesn't pay good]any pics of what you had to do to valve covers?i have a set of fabicated covers with my burn-down breathers and oil fill cap already welded on covers so would want to keep them..would a set of valve cover spacers give me the room i need?
  5. secondwindracing

    secondwindracing top alcohol

    Feb 10, 2004
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    when you flow your system you either flow with or without so it would be hard to just not use one or the other you need to use them both hat and ports,hat is for staging and feepin the blower cool ports open at the hit,ports will equal your system out..dave

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